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Зараз показуємо 1 - 3 з 3
  • Документ
    Modification of the structure of the stabilized basalt fiber
    (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020-09) Gots, V. I.; Palchyk, P. P.; Tymoshenko, S. A.; Palchyk, S. P.
    The study of thermophysical, physical-mechanical and acoustic characteristics of coarse continuous basalt fiber in the conditions of influence of operational factors and corrosion environment is carried out. It is shown that obtaining barrier materials with high thermophysical and acoustic properties is possible by creating a porous system in the material with a predetermined textural characteristic of pores of different class, purpose and combination. The influence of the porous system of coarse continuous basalt fiber on the operational properties of flexible heat and sound insulation products and materials has been studied. It is determined that the performance characteristics of flexible thermal insulation materials are in direct proportion to the degree of porosity of the constituent materials and their structural characteristics. Shown that the increase in the operating temperature of these materials, sound and thermal resistance is determined by the chemical and mineralogical composition of the source materials and their structural characteristics. The influence of the mechanism of selective leaching of coarse continuous basalt fibers on their textural characteristics and the zone of operating temperatures is studied.
  • Документ
    Вплив технологічних факторів на формування структури поверхні базальтового волокна
    (2019) Бердник, О. Ю.; Амеліна, Н. О.; Майстренко, А. А.
    Створення нових енергоефективних та екологічно чистих теплозвукоізоляційних матеріалів в значній мірі пов’язано з розробкою і застосуванням скляних, неорганічних, мінеральних і базальтових волокон, використання яких вносить суттєвий вклад у формування технологічних та експлуатаційних властивостей
  • Документ
    Production of modified basalt fibre for heat-insulating products manufacturing
    (IOP Publishing, 2019-12) Gots, V. I.; Berdnyk, O. Y.; Rogozina, N. V.; Maystrenko, A. A.
    As a result of the research flexible heat-insulating materials were developed based on basalt fiber with increased effectiveness, which can be achieved due to directed fiber microstructure forming through fusion modification. It is known that chemical composition of initial fusion not identically influences on physical and chemical and mechanical properties of basaltic fibres. Structural descriptions of fusion and basaltic fibre got from him appear main factors the nearer, than high speed of cooling. This index mainly depends on such constituents: а) ambient temperatures; b) coefficient of heat conducting; c) heat conducting of fusion; d) areas of surface. By researches influence of temperature of basaltic fusion was shown on the structure of fibres. Structural characteristics of the basalt fiber (number of active zones, coefficient of its distribution on the basalt fiber surface, as well as a correlation of three groups of active zones) depend on rheological properties of basal fusion, speed of drawing through the die plate and cooling speed.