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Документ 35. The influence of complex additive on strength and proper deformations of alkali-activated slag cements(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2019) Krivenko, Pavel; Petropavlovskyi, Oleh; Rudenko, Igor; Konstantynovskyi, OleksandrThe peculiarity of alkali-activated slag cements (further, AASC’s) is increased proper deformations, which can cause increased cracking and reduced durability of structure. The paper is devoted to manage AASC’s proper deformations. The main task was to determine the composition of complex additives (further, CA’s) in system «ordinary portland cement (further, OPC) clinker -mineral compound of different anionic type - surfactant» in presence of sodium metasilicate (further, MS) to affect on hydrated AASC performance while ensuring effective structure of artificial stone by criterion of shrinkage deformations. Comparative analysis of hydrated cement systems "OPC clinker - MS", "OPC clinker - mineral compound - MS" and "OPC clinker - mineral compound - MS - surfactant" showed that the greatest effect on reduction of proper deformations occurs when the mineral compounds relate to electrolytes, i.e. Na2SO4 and NaNO3. Hydrated system is characterized by expansion (+0,062 mm/m) in presence of Na2SO4. Almost no shrinkage is supplied by application of NaNO3 (-0,062 mm/m). The obtained CA’s were tested in AASC. CA in the system “OPC clinker - NaNO3 - surfactant” provides the initial setting 43 min, the end - 65 min with accelerated strength. Investigated AASC can be classified as non-shrinking cement. This phenomena is ensured by increasing density, homogeneity and monolithicity of hydrosilicate formations, as well as due to formation of hydroaluminosilicate structures with different morphology by inclusion of nitrate anions.Документ A study of air pollution with formaldehyde along the highways in Kyiv city(2018) Voloshkina, O.; Sipakov, R.; Zhukova, O.; Bereznitska, J.The problem of air pollution in the cities of Ukraine was described. The methodology of calculation of hydrocarbon emission on automobile overpasses and crossroads of Kyiv was suggested. By the number of bands, the number of cars was determined. The calculation has shown that at the same time near 300 cars can be on the overpass during peak hours. The average concentration of formaldehyde according to the calculations and observation data in 2016 was presented.Документ About some features of forecasting masstransport processes in saturated - unsaturated media(2018) Telyma, S.; Voloshkina, O.The general methodic of forecasting the flow and moisture-salt transfer processes in saturated-unsaturated media on the base of the methods of mathematic modeling for case of the arbitrary vertical domains is proposed.The practical example of the solution the migration problem of pollutions at filtration from the irrigated channel to reservoir is demonstrated.Документ Adaptation of IUCN Classification Schemes for Environmental safety passports of species(2016) Kryvomaz, TetyanaThis study aimed to improve the ways of risk assessment for environmental safety. The implementation of “Environmental safety passports of species” is of practical importance for effective risk assessment of individual species impact to the environment, humans and other living organisms. The classification schemes of International Union for Conservation of Nature for evaluating habitats, threats & stresses, use and trade, livelihoods of species were analyzed and adapted to the requirements of environmental safety. Some sections such as general information about species, their distribution, ecological classification, metabolism features, risks evaluation and beneficial use were itemized to be included into the structure of ESPS.Документ Administrative law tools regulating high-rise construction in historic city districts: Ukraine and Germany(Amazonia Investiga, 2022) Pokhylenko, I; Tarasiuk, Y; Samsin, I; Bliakharskyi, YІсторичні квартали в містах є живим втіленням культури народу та його колективної пам’яті, які зберігають його спадщину та минулі досягнення. Міська ідентичність залежить від задоволення поточних потреб при збереженні минулого. Водночас урбанізація тисне на більшість країн, тому вони вимагають оновлення інструментів адміністративноправового регулювання, здатних захистити ідентичність багатої національної спадщини. Метою статті був порівняльно-правовий аналіз реалій та перспектив збереження історичних районів міст у контексті практики адміністративно-правового регулювання України та ФРН. Провідними методичними засобами були методи порівняльно-правового аналізу та спостереження. Дослідження виявило специфічні фізичні, соціальноекономічні та соціокультурні чинники урбанізації, які спричинили помітні та суттєві зміни в особливостях інструментів адміністративного права, що регулюютьДокумент Agrocenoses Air Improvement for Longer and Healthier People Life(Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering, 2023-05) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Satin, Ihor; Ujma, AdamIn 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. PM10 can pass deeply into the lungs, but they are not so harmful. People always believed that rural air is healthy. Research at the University of Minnesota showed that 18 000 Americans die every year due to air pollution by agriculture, primarily, ammonia (NH 3) from the decomposition of fertilizers and livestock waste (12.4 thousand deaths), and PM2.5 particles (4.8 thousand deaths). In polluted areas, plants have more aggressive allergenic pollen. Agricultural waste management and optimization of landscapes are effective ways of solving the problem. In this work, solutions are proposed to improve the air safety of agrocenoses. Minimization of contact of waste with air and its utilisation as soon as possible allows for avoiding decomposition. Converting to gasification boilers/ovens avoids releasing PM2.5 by heating. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air from relevant pollutants should be introduced in agrocenoses. The places for planting are forest protection strips, free places near roads, residential and administrative buildings, etc. In particular, the use of hedges with such plants can provide a local oasis of clean air around houses. In the case of dense land use and lack of free space, it is possible toДокумент Agrocenoses Air Improvement For Longer and Healthier People Life(Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology, 2023-05-24) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Satin, Ihor; Ujma, AdamIn 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. PM10 can pass deeply into the lungs, but they are not so harmful. People always believed that rural air is healthy. Research at the University of Minnesota showed that 18 000 Americans die every year due to air pollution by agriculture, primarily, ammonia (NH 3) from the decomposition of fertilizers and livestock waste (12.4 thousand deaths), and PM2.5 particles (4.8 thousand deaths). In polluted areas, plants have more aggressive allergenic pollen. Agricultural waste management and optimization of landscapes are effective ways of solving the problem. In this work, solutions are proposed to improve the air safety of agrocenoses. Minimization of contact of waste with air and its utilisation as soon as possible allows for avoiding decomposition. Converting to gasification boilers/ovens avoids releasing PM2.5 by heating. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air from relevant pollutants should be introduced in agrocenoses. The places for planting are forest protection strips, free places near roads, residential and administrative buildings, etc. In particular, the use of hedges with such plants can provide a local oasis of clean air around houses. In the case of dense land use and lack of free space, it is possible to introduce “green structures” on buildings. An assortment of plants for different regions of Ukraine is offered.Документ Alkali activated portland cement with adjustable proper deformations for anchoring application(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019) Krivenko, P. V.; Rudenko, I. I.; Petropavlovskyi, O. M.; Konstantynovskyi, O. P.; Kovalchuk, A. V.The application of alkali-activated Portland cement (hereinafter AAPC) for anchoring grouts was investigated with obtaining of non-shrinking high performance cementing systems. The AAPC system “ordinary Portland cement clinker – sodium metasilicate” was modified by the complexes of mineral and organic compounds to ensure specified properties of anchoring grouts. It was revealed that the most effective multifunctional additives are represented by the system “salt-electrolyte – surfactant”. Alongside with slowing down of AAPC paste setting time, the effect of compensated shrinkage of AAPC mortar, i.e. expansion within 0.062 mm/m and slight shrinkage within 0.017 mm/m, was ensured when Na2SO4 and NaNO3 were used in the mentioned system respectively. The effect of compensated shrinkage is explained by greater crystallization of ydrosilicates and hydroaluminates, additional formation of sulfate-containing sodium-calcium hydroaluminate (for Na2SO4-based system) and crystalline calcium hydronitroaluminate (for NaNO3-based system). The advantages of the modified AAPC for anchoring application are indicated in thepaper.Документ Alkaline aluminosilicate binder-based adhesives with increased fire resistance for structural timber elements(2019) Krivenko, P. V.; Guzii, S. G.; Bondarenko, O. P.The paper presents data on the use of the alkaline aluminosilicate binder-based adhesive of the system Na2O•Al2O3•(4-6)SiO2•(17-20)H2O for gluing and fire protection of structural timber elements. The results of the study of thermoresistant phases in the reaction products of the alkaline aluminosilicates are reported and discussed. The results allowed to show that at SiO2/Al2O3 between 5 and 6 the zeolite-like phases of heulandite types, which, under action of temperatures, are able to form a porous aluminosilicate artificial stone with low thermal conductivity (λ=0.09 Wt/m⋅К, DSTU B V.2.7-105-2000 (GOST 7076-99)) are formed in the reaction products. The use of the developed aluminosilicate adhesives allow for to classify the structural timber elements as hardly burnable and hardly flammable materials (GOST 12.1.044-1989, EN 13823 + A1: 2014-12, ASTM E119-07). They have the following characteristics: water resistance D3 (EN 204:2001), resistance in splitting up 7.8 MPa (GOST 16483.5-1973), adhesion in normal pull-off test up to 2.6 MPa (GOST 32299- 2013 (ISO 4624:2002)).Документ An annotated checklist of myxomycetes from the Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean(Finnish Mycological Society, 2020) Kryvomaz, Tetiana; Michaud, Alain; Stephenson, Steven L.; L.The checklist provided herein contains 143 species and infra-specific taxa of myxomycetes representing six orders, 12 families and 29 genera known from the Seychelles Islands. These records are the result of 878 field collections and 468 samples processed with the use of the moist chamber techinque. The overall study involved expeditions to the granitic group of islands Mahé, Praslin, La Digue, Curieuse, Félicité, and data from the literature for the coral Aldabra atoll. The taxonomic structure of the myxomycete biota for the islands studied indicates a predominance of members of the order Physarales (74 taxa). The main genera are Physarum (38 species and two varieties), Didymium (17 species), Cribraria (11 species), Arcyria (eight species) and Stemonitis (six species and two varieties). For all six islands only a single species of myxomycete (Physarum crateriforme) was shared in common. For the total assemblage of species recorded from all of the islands, 4% species were abundant, 12% species were common, 29% were found occasionally, 42% were rare, and 13% species had only a single record. The most abundant species were Arcyria cinerea, A. denudata, Diderma effusum, Hemitrichia calyculata, Physarum compressum, and P. melleum. Based on data from 50 different localities with 90 collecting plots, 32% of all specimens were associated with coastal vegetation, 30% with lowland localities, 19% with intermediate forests, 9% with riverine forests, 8% with mountain forests, and only 2% with mangrove swamps. In general, this annotated checklist clearly shows that isolated tropical islands can support a diverse assemblage of myxomycetes.Документ Analysis of the main characteristics of industrial risk(2019) Hunchenko, OksanaAny practical, including industrial, human activity is potentially dangerous, that is, it is impossible to achieve absolute security in any of its types. Based on this thesis in western countries, the basis of the life-safety methodology, which is part of the protection of labor, is based on the concept of acceptable risk. The concept of "risk" has a long history of use as a legal category. But due to the rapid development of industrial production and the need to justify various aspects of military activity, this concept has become more widespread in other sectors. Usually, risk is associated with a manifestation of uncertainty and signs of danger.Документ ANALYSIS OF THE VOLUME AND STRUCTURE OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN UKRAINE(FinTechAlliance, 2022-09-05) Oksana Zghurska; Nataliya Struk; Yuriy Safonov; Anna Kulik; Olesia RomanenkoThe purpose of this research article is to analyze the volume and structure of healthcare services in Ukraine in order to determine promising directions for the work of the national healthcare system, as well as to ensure the specified development parameters of the industry.To achieve this purpose, the research was conducted using the materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the data of the Ministry of Health to analyze the volume and structure of healthcare services in Ukraine in order to determine promising directions for the work of the national health care system, as well as to ensure the specified development parameters of the industry. The methodological basis of the research was made up of general and special methods, namely: system analysis with the aim of a comprehensive characterization of the strategic potential of the healthcare industry; statistical analysis (the standard deviation method) with the aim of analyzing the structure of healthcare facilities of Ukraine; the dynamics of the volume of sold products (goods, services) of business entities that provide services in health care and social protection; synthesis and comparison in diagnosing the state of the regional structure of private medicine in Ukraine and the dynamics of capital investment volumes of enterprises providing healthcare services.It has been established that at the current stage of the functioning of the healthcare market, the sources of funding for state medicine cannot fully provide the healthcare system with the necessary financial resources, introduce new methods of payment for health care and services, as well as improve the system of mandatory health insurance.Budget institutions should carry out marketing research, increase the level of comfort in the provision of healthcare services, increase the level of efficiency of the existing resource potential, especially human resources; develop, improve and diversify new types of services, and create decent conditions for organizing healthcare services.Paid healthcare services are characterized by the significant potential for growth, which is determined by the needs of the market and the population of the country. This segment of the economy is extremely promising in the direction of obtaining alternative opportunities for treatment and recovery in more comfortable conditions in accordance with the growing requirements for the quality of healthcare services and the availability of an individual approach to each patient.Документ Anthropogenic changes in water ecosystem on the example оf the river Tisza(КНУБА, 2018) Vasylenko, Lesya; Zhukova, Olena; Klimova, Irina; Gontscharenko, ArtemWhile conducting the ecological estimation of the hydro ecosystems (HE) condition of Tisza water basin, engineering ecological indices and their parameters are used. The system-basin research approach of the water basin based on systematization and data processing of the ecological monitoring for a long-term period is used. Such period allowed to set scientific regularities of naturally-anthropogenic hydro ecosystems development in the conditions of constant anthropogenic load on them.Документ Applying of green building standards for implementation of the city development strategies in Kyiv(2019) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Varavin, DmytroThe main tasks of the "Kyiv City Development Strategy until 2025" are in development and reconstruction of the city, improvement of its infrastructure and environmental protection, which perfectly correlates with the basic principles of green building. This is the modern practice in construction, reconstruction and the exploitation of buildings, in which they implement optimal architectural solutions, advanced engineering systems and materials for reducing of energy consumption and material resources, it is the process of improving the quality of buildings and the comfort of their internal environment, improving of impact of buildings on the health of people by minimizing the negative impact on the environment at all stages of life cycle of building structures. The practice of the tasks outlined in the Strategy will significantly contribute to the implementation of international environmental standards and to the application of constructive solutions of green building technologies. In particular it appeals to such urban development sectors as city development and land relations, housing and communal services, transport and urban mobility, environmental policy and environmental protection, public space, security and civil protection, historical and architectural heritage.Документ Arcyria denudata(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Bright red or reddish brown, upright sporangia, each with a funnel-shaped calyculus with a non-dehiscent capillitium firmly attached to calyculus even after expansion. Brown weathered sporocarps may be confused with A. affinis Rostaf., but in that species the stalk is slightly eccentric, and the capillitium detaches from the calyculus after expanding.Документ Arcyria minuta(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Flat-topped, pink sporangia, each with a fixed capillitium, and capillitium thread marking more or less limited to cogs. Poorly developed sporocarps, or those with a non-expanded capillitium resemble A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers., but in A. cinerea sporangium colour is grey, and capillitium markings are densely spinulose. Sporangium colour in A. minuta is similar to that of A. pomiphomis (Leers) Rostaf., but A. minuta has larger sporocarps and cylindrical rather than subglobose sporangia.Документ Arcyria stipata(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The almost pseudoaethalial habit, persistent peridium and copper colour make this species distinctive.Документ ARDUINO: прості рішення в автоматизації процесів(Видавництво ХФКХП ДБТУ, 2024-04-04) Григорчук, Олександр Михайлович; Гламаздін, ПавлоУ статті розглянуто основні переваги плат розробника Arduino, їх можливі проєкти реалізації у приладах для створення систем керування пристроямиДокумент Assessment and forecast for the creation of photo-chemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv(2018) Sipakov, R.; Trofimovich, V.; Voloshkina, O.; Bereznitska, J.This article deals with the analysis of existing of smog situation formation over automobile overpasses and in places of substantial congestion of transport in large cities, for example, in Kyiv. A mathematical model consisting of two blocks – dynamic and kinetic, which allows determining the formation of the thermal dome of pollution and the concentration of hydrocarbon emissions in the air, depending on the number of working engines, is proposed. The kinetic block of the model allows determining the level of formaldehyde, as an indicator of the appearance of photochemical smog in conditions of atmospheric constancy. The concentration of emissions from motor vehicles in the air is calculated over the main transport overpasses of the city of Kyiv at their full load (peak hours).Документ Assessment of Light Transmission for Comfort and Energy Efficient Insolation by “Green Structures”(Springer, 2020-12-02) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, ViktorInsolation is one of the most important factors of human comfort and health in premises. Nevertheless, in a cooling period, the solar radiation brings additional heat gains decreasing the energy efficiency of buildings. The best practice is to allow the maximum solar radiation in heating and transition periods, and to limit it to the minimum permissible level during a cooling period. Usually, the problem is solved by technical measures, such as automated sun-blind-transformers, automatic jalousie or south orientation of glazing, equipped by a non-transformed canopy. In a previous work of the authors, a solution using “green structures” with deciduous plants was proposed. It avoids automation, allows using the most of orientations for glazing, does not decline the view, provides emotional comfort by the most natural appearance, and also improves the sanitary conditions by phytoncides. The goal of the work is the provision of minimum normative insolation in a cooling period by the design of a “green structure”. A geometric model is used for the sunrays, which passed through the planting. The model considers the shape of plant crowns and light transmission through them avoiding direct simulation of the shape of each leaf. An approach for the simple determination of the light transmission through different plants without special apparatus is proposed. The light transmission through different plant crowns was determined for different plants, which can be used in “green structures”. The best practice is a combination of plants with dense and openwork crowns.