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  • Документ
    Simulation of Illumination and Wind Conditions for Green and Fed Cities Using CFD Software
    (2023-08-26) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Viktor Mileikovskyi; Maryna Kravchenko; Viktoriia Konovaliuk
    To avoid ecological catastrophe, most cities are moving toward green building. The important component is greening – conventional and green structures. Urban agriculture is a very prospective direction. Green roofs, terraces, and rooftop greenhouses are the most promising places for growing. This solves multiple tasks: heat loss recovery for planting (for rooftop greenhouses), additional thermal insulation, optimized logistics, increasing pollinator populations, avoiding pests, etc. In different-height districts, there are problems with natural illumination and winds. No good urban wind theory has been developed. The winds can be simulated in CFD software using a 3D model of a district. Most of the software can simulate solar radiation for thermotechnical calculations only. It should be simulated in other special software. The approach to calculating solar radiation is proposed using CFD software without additional needs. The special material – "integrator" – should be added to the engineering database. Its thermotechnical properties can be set to obtain a temperature, numerically equal to the interesting parameter. Application is shown in an example of a different-height building with a green roof. The results show areas most favorable for growing photophilous and shadetolerant plants, and to place cleaning and phytoncidal plants for the maximum air quality in stagnation zones.
  • Документ
    Assessment of Light Transmission for Comfort and Energy Efficient Insolation by “Green Structures”
    (Springer, 2020-12-02) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor
    Insolation is one of the most important factors of human comfort and health in premises. Nevertheless, in a cooling period, the solar radiation brings additional heat gains decreasing the energy efficiency of buildings. The best practice is to allow the maximum solar radiation in heating and transition periods, and to limit it to the minimum permissible level during a cooling period. Usually, the problem is solved by technical measures, such as automated sun-blind-transformers, automatic jalousie or south orientation of glazing, equipped by a non-transformed canopy. In a previous work of the authors, a solution using “green structures” with deciduous plants was proposed. It avoids automation, allows using the most of orientations for glazing, does not decline the view, provides emotional comfort by the most natural appearance, and also improves the sanitary conditions by phytoncides. The goal of the work is the provision of minimum normative insolation in a cooling period by the design of a “green structure”. A geometric model is used for the sunrays, which passed through the planting. The model considers the shape of plant crowns and light transmission through them avoiding direct simulation of the shape of each leaf. An approach for the simple determination of the light transmission through different plants without special apparatus is proposed. The light transmission through different plant crowns was determined for different plants, which can be used in “green structures”. The best practice is a combination of plants with dense and openwork crowns.
  • Документ
    Agrocenoses Air Improvement For Longer and Healthier People Life
    (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology, 2023-05-24) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Satin, Ihor; Ujma, Adam
    In 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. PM10 can pass deeply into the lungs, but they are not so harmful. People always believed that rural air is healthy. Research at the University of Minnesota showed that 18 000 Americans die every year due to air pollution by agriculture, primarily, ammonia (NH 3) from the decomposition of fertilizers and livestock waste (12.4 thousand deaths), and PM2.5 particles (4.8 thousand deaths). In polluted areas, plants have more aggressive allergenic pollen. Agricultural waste management and optimization of landscapes are effective ways of solving the problem. In this work, solutions are proposed to improve the air safety of agrocenoses. Minimization of contact of waste with air and its utilisation as soon as possible allows for avoiding decomposition. Converting to gasification boilers/ovens avoids releasing PM2.5 by heating. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air from relevant pollutants should be introduced in agrocenoses. The places for planting are forest protection strips, free places near roads, residential and administrative buildings, etc. In particular, the use of hedges with such plants can provide a local oasis of clean air around houses. In the case of dense land use and lack of free space, it is possible to introduce “green structures” on buildings. An assortment of plants for different regions of Ukraine is offered.
  • Документ
    Agrocenoses Air Improvement for Longer and Healthier People Life
    (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering, 2023-05) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Satin, Ihor; Ujma, Adam
    In 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. PM10 can pass deeply into the lungs, but they are not so harmful. People always believed that rural air is healthy. Research at the University of Minnesota showed that 18 000 Americans die every year due to air pollution by agriculture, primarily, ammonia (NH 3) from the decomposition of fertilizers and livestock waste (12.4 thousand deaths), and PM2.5 particles (4.8 thousand deaths). In polluted areas, plants have more aggressive allergenic pollen. Agricultural waste management and optimization of landscapes are effective ways of solving the problem. In this work, solutions are proposed to improve the air safety of agrocenoses. Minimization of contact of waste with air and its utilisation as soon as possible allows for avoiding decomposition. Converting to gasification boilers/ovens avoids releasing PM2.5 by heating. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air from relevant pollutants should be introduced in agrocenoses. The places for planting are forest protection strips, free places near roads, residential and administrative buildings, etc. In particular, the use of hedges with such plants can provide a local oasis of clean air around houses. In the case of dense land use and lack of free space, it is possible to
  • Документ
    Precise Explicit Approximations of the Colebrook-White Equation for Engineering Systems
    (Springer, 2020-08-17) Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Tkachenko, Tetiana
    Modern automated engineering systems have variable hydraulic/aero- dynamic conditions with Reynolds number from zero to hundred thousand with a wide range of roughness. Simple approximations of the Colebrook-White equa- tion cannot give enough precision. The aim of the work is a universal simple precise approximation of the Colebrook-White equation. The methods are se- lected by the analysis of the equation curve. In the whole range of turbulent flow, it is near to linear. Thus, Newton’s method is very effective. The algorithm is proposed for getting high-precision approximations. The results are two simple explicit ones for rough and careful calculations with a deviation of 5.36 % and 0.00072 % in a wide range of parameters. It is shown on the examples of the objects: the highest building “Biotecton” and researches of “green roofs” in a wind tunnel. The scientific novelty is that we scientifically grounded the effective usage of Newton’s method, which provides new universal, precise and simple explicit approximations of Colebrook-White equation. The practical value is that the approximations are covered different practical tasks of hydraulic and aerody- namic calculations in the whole range of turbulent flow.
  • Документ
    Field Study of Air Quality Improvement by a “Green Roof” in Kyiv
    (Sciendo, 2019-03) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Ujma, Adam
    Currently, a very big problem of cities in Europe and the world is air pollution with combustion products of car fuels, generation of heat and electricity. These impurities affect the microclimate of cities significantly. Pollution not only affects the area outside buildings, but getting into their interior through ventilation systems, which has an adverse effect on the indoor environment of buildings. High concentrations of CO2, cause a weakening of concentration in working people, which affects the deterioration of safety and work efficiency. For assessing air quality improvement on "green roofs", a field study of CO2 content has been carried out on the "green roof" of a four-storey building, on a completely identical non-greened building, and on a highway with high-density traffic near them in Kiev. It was found that greening the roof significantly reduces the CO2 content from 501 ppm on the road and 452 ppm on the roof without protection to 410-415 ppm. It improves the conditions in which people work and rest
  • Документ
    The estimation and reduction of risks caused by air pollution in cities
    (Wydział Budownictwa Politechniki Częstohowskiej, 2019) Voloshkina, Olena; Tkachenko, Tetiana; Sipakov, Rostislav; Tkachenko, Olexii
    The increase in summer temperatures is intensifying and causing the rise of air pollution by photochemical transformation. The main source of pollution in cities are vehicles. Calcula- tions of a convective jet from the warm surface of intersections and overpasses have been performed and the secondary formaldehyde contamination by photochemical transformations was estimated. It was shown that the non-carcinogenic risk is significantly increased with the concentration. At temperatures above 30°C. the non-carcinogenic risk is more than 10 (significant) and requires in-depth smdies of the harmful influences. Carcinogenic risk ranges from the median to acceptable and requires dynamic control and in-depth studies. Reducing the risk is possible by "green" design: "green" roofs, vertical greening, facade blocks, etc. Using phytoncide plants destroys the pathogenic microflora and improves the microclimate of the premises. Proposed is an assortment of plants suitable for medical and educational buildings within a continental climate area.