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  • Документ
    Agrocenoses Air Improvement for Longer and Healthier People Life
    (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering, 2023-05) Tkachenko, Tetiana; Mileikovskyi, Viktor; Satin, Ihor; Ujma, Adam
    In 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer. PM10 can pass deeply into the lungs, but they are not so harmful. People always believed that rural air is healthy. Research at the University of Minnesota showed that 18 000 Americans die every year due to air pollution by agriculture, primarily, ammonia (NH 3) from the decomposition of fertilizers and livestock waste (12.4 thousand deaths), and PM2.5 particles (4.8 thousand deaths). In polluted areas, plants have more aggressive allergenic pollen. Agricultural waste management and optimization of landscapes are effective ways of solving the problem. In this work, solutions are proposed to improve the air safety of agrocenoses. Minimization of contact of waste with air and its utilisation as soon as possible allows for avoiding decomposition. Converting to gasification boilers/ovens avoids releasing PM2.5 by heating. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air from relevant pollutants should be introduced in agrocenoses. The places for planting are forest protection strips, free places near roads, residential and administrative buildings, etc. In particular, the use of hedges with such plants can provide a local oasis of clean air around houses. In the case of dense land use and lack of free space, it is possible to
  • Документ
    Risk of atmospheric air pollution by formaldehyde in urban areas from motor venicles
    (2019) Voloshkina, O.; Sipakov, R.; Tkachenko, T.; Zhukova, O.
    The work is devoted to the issue of risk management for the health of the population in urban areas in case of atmospheric air pollution by motor transport. In this study, the level of risk is determined on the basis of concentrations of formaldehyde molecules, which are formed as secondary air pollution as a result of photochemical transformations in the air under steady meteorological conditions. In the estimation of the amount of hydrocarbon emissions from road transport, which is simultaneously at the traffic junction, a mathematical model which is based on the theory of a convective jet on a warm surface and which allows obtaining parameters of the contaminated dome of air formed over this area was used. The proposed risk management scenario allows searching for optimal managerial decisions at the municipal level for a number of scientific and practical tasks of the city in shaping its environmental policy.
  • Документ
    Вплив змін клімату на якість атмосферного повітря урбоценозів
    (2019) Волошкіна, О.С.; Трофімович, В.В.; Кравченко, М.В.
    Слід відзначити чисельні дослідження стосовно моделювання та моніторингу впливу викидів мегаполісів на якість повітря та на клімат у регіональному і глобальному масштабі. Але при визначенні обсягів викидів парнікових газів того чи іншого конкретного міста треба враховувати вклад основних джерел (як стаціонарних, так і пересувних) на якість атмосферного повітря з врахуванням вторинних фотохімічних перетворень. Що стосується ряду великих міст України, то крім промислових викидів, потужний вклад в забруднення атмосферного повітря надає будівельна галузь та автотранспортні засоби.