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  • Документ
    Trichia alpina
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The black strong, tough and persistent peridium combined with a bright yellow capillitium and spore mass make this nivicolous species easy to identify in the field.
  • Документ
    Physarum vernum
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Facultatively nivicolous. Superficially similar in general appearance to Badhamia and Diderma species and to Didymium dubium (see IMI Descriptions 1833), but sometimes possible to distinguish in the field by the texture of the peridium which is not egg-shell-like. The presence of nodules in the capillitium, and the characteristic shape of those nodules (microscopic examination needed) help to distinguish this species.
  • Документ
    Physarum albescens
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Nivicolous. Identifiable in the field by its conspicuous yellow sporocarps on stalks arising from an extensive hypothallus.
  • Документ
    Lepidoderma chailletii
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The clearly defined lime scales on the sporocarp surface are characteristic of the genus Lepidoderma. This species, which is facultatively nivicolous, produces sessile sporocarps often so closely clustered as to have the appearance of plasmodiocarps, the clusters sometimes forming convoluted or almost serpentine structures on the substratum surface.
  • Документ
    Lepidoderma carestianum
    (СABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. A nivicolous species with a flattish continuous plasmodiocarp covered with tiny lime scales.
  • Документ
    Lamproderma ovoideum
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Nivicolous species of Lamproderma have dark, often blackish, metallic, iridescent, shiny, separate, globose or nearly globose and stipitate to sessile sporocarps. Lamproderma ovoideum, perhaps the most common nivicolous member of this genus, has ovoid sporocarps and may be distinguished by spore size and ornamentation from other nivicolous species of Lamproderma with similar sporocarps.
  • Документ
    Lamproderma echinosporum
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Nivicolous species of Lamproderma have dark, often blackish, metallic, iridescent, shiny, separate, globose or nearly globose and stipitate to sessile sporocarps. Sporocarps of Lamproderma echinosporum are sessile or substipitate and on a narrow base. It may be distinguished from other similar nivicolous species of Lamproderma by its spore ornamentation, with large irregularly distributed spines.
  • Документ
    Diderma alpinum
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The genus Diderma can usually be distinguished in the field by the matt calcareous or egg-shell-like character of the peridium. The nivicolous members of this genus are easily confused, but Diderma alpinum can sometimes be distinguished by the combination of an obvious and continuous hypothallus uniting all sporocarps, a smooth peridium, a light-coloured delicate capillitium with dark spindle-shaped bodies, and spores 11–13 µm diam.
  • Документ
    Diacheopsis metallica
    (CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The genus Diacheopsis is distinguished by small, sessile sporocarps with a shiny metallic surface. Within the genus, D. metallica is distinguished by its nivicolous habit and by spore size.