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  • Документ
    Trichia scabra
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The combination of bright orange-yellow, densely packed sessile sporangia on a brown honeycomb hypothallus, a capillitium with rough elaters and spiny spirals, and delicately reticulate spores is diagnostic for this species.
  • Документ
    Trichia decipiens
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. This species is easily recognised by the shining, olivaceous and membranous peridium and translucent stalk filled with spore-like cysts. No other stalked species of Trichia has both of these features.
  • Документ
    Perichaena chrysosperma
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The doughnut-shaped plasmodiocarps occasionally produced in moist chamber cultures, and the prominently spiny capillitium make P. chrysosperma particularly distinctive. The macroscopic characters of this species, however, vary widely, and this may result in confusion with atypical forms of P. corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf., P. vermicularis (Schwein.) Rostaf. and even Trichia contorta (Ditmar) Rostaf. It may be distinguished from these three species by the short, wider and occasionally branched plasmodiocarps, the darker colour, spiny capillitium and smaller spores.
  • Документ
    Metatrichia vesparium
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The clustered sporangia with a distinctive shape and papery texture resembling miniature wasp nests, the shining purple-red sporangia, and the red spore mass all make this an easy species to identify. When stalks are joined this species can look like M. floriformis (Schwein.) Nann.-Bremek., but the spore mass colour is usually sufficient to separate them and, if there is any doubt, the spiny capillitium of M. vesparium is diagnostic.
  • Документ
    Hemitrichia clavata
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Hemitrichia clavata is sometimes difficult to distinguish from H. calyculata (Speg.) M.L. Farr, which is much more common. The deep cup which gradually widens from the stout stalk, the rough capillitium, white plasmodium and warty, rather than spiny, reticulation of spores separate H. clavata from H. calyculata. Very generally, H. clavata tends to occur in mountainous or cold-temperate regions during autumn and winter, whereas H. calyculata may occur more in warm-temperate or tropical climates over summer and autumn.
  • Документ
    Arcyria stipata
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The almost pseudoaethalial habit, persistent peridium and copper colour make this species distinctive.
  • Документ
    Arcyria minuta
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Flat-topped, pink sporangia, each with a fixed capillitium, and capillitium thread marking more or less limited to cogs. Poorly developed sporocarps, or those with a non-expanded capillitium resemble A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers., but in A. cinerea sporangium colour is grey, and capillitium markings are densely spinulose. Sporangium colour in A. minuta is similar to that of A. pomiphomis (Leers) Rostaf., but A. minuta has larger sporocarps and cylindrical rather than subglobose sporangia.
  • Документ
    Arcyria denudata
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. Bright red or reddish brown, upright sporangia, each with a funnel-shaped calyculus with a non-dehiscent capillitium firmly attached to calyculus even after expansion. Brown weathered sporocarps may be confused with A. affinis Rostaf., but in that species the stalk is slightly eccentric, and the capillitium detaches from the calyculus after expanding.
  • Документ
    Calomyxa metallica
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The pinkish olive spore mass, iridescent peridium and coiled, simple threads sculptured with abundant, faint warts or spinules make this an easy species to identify. The superficially similar Prototricha metallica (Berk.) Massee has capillitial threads marked with spiral bands.
  • Документ
    Trichia varia
    (CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.
    Diagnostic features. The prominently lop-sided elaters and characteristic milky white plasmodium which later changes through very pale yellow to ochraceous are the features which enable this most common species to be identified. Characters that separate it from Hemitrichia abietina (Wigand) G. Lister, Trichia scabra Rostaf., greyish forms of T. contorta G.H. Otth and members of the T. favoginea (Batsch) Pers. complex are its capillitium tubes with 2 or 3 spiral bands which are asymmetrical (more prominent on one side), and spores faintly but densely warted.