Analysis of the impact of solar activity on indicators of climate change on areas within the Dniester river basin
Ismailova, O.
Voloshkina, O.
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Interstigated the change of climate in the Carpatian region. The authors evaluted the impact of solar activity on indikators of climate change. Analysis based on data that were obtained from meteorogical stations located within the Dnister river basin. Reserch period is 65 years. The authoe based on statistics made mathematical analysis of the impact of solar activity on the change of air temperature and amount of precipitation in the region. Mathematocal dependence of there qantities, which allows makong predictions of future changes in amount of precipitation, depending on the future activity of the sun.
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Бібліографічний опис
Ismailova O., Analysis of the impact of solar activity on indicators of climate change on areas within the Dniester river basin / O. Ismailova, O. Voloshkina // Екологічна безпека та природокористування : зб. наук. праць. / Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. інформ. простору , Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. О. С. Волошкіна, О. М. Трофимчук. - Київ, 2016. - Вип. 22. - С. 51-56. - Бібліогр. : - 3 назви.