Ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes
Trysnyuk, Vasil M.
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Назва тому
Work is devoted to the decision of research and practice task from the ground of changes of the state of ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes. The worked out practical recommendations are in relation to reduction of negative influence on the environment of vegetable wastes that is passed for introduction in further activity in relation to providing of ecological safety of territories.
Бібліографічний опис
Trysnyuk Vasil M. Ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes / Vasil M. Trysnyuk // Екологічна безпека та природокористування = Environmental safety and natural resources : зб. наук. праць /Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. інформ. простору ; гол. ред. : О. С. Волошкіна, О. М. Трофимчук – Київ: ІТГІП, 2018. – Вип. 2 (26). – С. 49 – 53. – Бібліогр. : 3 назви.