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  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum cremiluteum
    (CABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Similar in appearance to Physarum melleum (Berk. & Broome) Massee, but distinguished by its bright yellow sporothecae and capillitium lime nodes, and by stalk shape; P. melleum has orange-brown sporothecae, white or pale olive yellow nodes of capillitium and stalks which are usually more cylindrical.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum crateriforme
    (CABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Without typical sporangia present, certain identification to species level is impossible because other features, such as spore size and ornamentation, fall within the range of so many other species. The characteristic columella, however, and large capillitial nodes, dark stalk and pale spores help to distinguish this species.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum bogoriense
    (СABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Often associated with Physarum bivalve Pers., but distinguishable by the yellow or brown colour, the rounded plasmodiocarps on narrow bases, and dehiscence by triangular lobes instead of valves; spores are usually paler and smaller than those of P. bivalve; sporocarps of P. bivalve are strongly compressed laterally, and even when nearly terete are always much taller than wide. Differs from P. bitectum G. Lister which has white plasmodiocarps and clearly spinose spores 10–13 µm diam. Differs from P. aeneum (Lister) R.E. Fr. which has yellow or brown lime in the capillitium. In some collections, sporocarp shape and colour call to mind P. retisporum G.W. Martin, but that species can be distinguished by its reticulate spores.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum auriscalpium
    (2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Physarum auriscalpium Cooke, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 11: 384 (1877). [IndexFungorum 434176; Physaraceae, Physarales] Physarum rubiginosum var. auriscalpium (Cooke) Sacc. & D. Sacc., in P.A. SACCARDO, Sylloge Fungorum 18: 210 (1906). [IndexFungorum 147709] Physarum limonium Nann.-Bremek., Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Series C, Biological and Medical Sciences 69(3): 357 (1966). [IndexFungorum 336968] Vernacular names. Dutch: oranjegeel kalkkopje. Diagnostic features. Most similar to Physarum oblatum T. Macbr., but differing in stalk lengths and in the size and shape of the sporangia.
  • Документ
    Перший аналіз цитотоксичності міксоміцетів
    (КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2016) Кривомаз, Т.І.; Демецька, О.В.; Мовчан, В.О.
    Вперше проаналізовано токсичність 16 видів міксоміцетів. На підставі експрес-методу з використанням сперматозоїдів бика було доведено переважну нетоксичність досліджених зразків. Всього три види з проаналізованих можна вважати умовно токсичними: Fuligo septica (IT = 150%), Diderma meyerae (IT = 123,9%) та Trichia favoginea (IT = 121,8%), що, можливо, обумовлено біохімічними особливостями цих міксоміцетів. Порівняння ксилофільних та нівальних видів не виявило суттєвих відмінностей параметрів цитотоксичності в залежності від екологічної групи, оскільки середнє значення IT практично однакове: 104,96% – для нівальних та 104,89% – для ксилофільних. Проте у групі нівальних спостерігається більш рівномірний розподіл параметрів: різниця в граничних показниках IT становить 38,8, натомість, у групі ксилофільних видів ця величина має вдвічі більше значення – 76,3 одиниці. Показники токсичності міксоміцетів носять видоспецифічний характер і не залежать від екологічної спеціалізації, часу колекціонування та місцезростання розглянутих представників цієї групи.
  • Документ
    First steps in myxomycete conservation activities
    (2014) Kryvomaz, Tetyana
    Slime moulds are eukaryotic, phagotrophic, fungus-like organisms, which living nearly in all terrestrial ecosystems. In previous systems slime molds include several groups: Myxomycetes -“true slime moulds”, Protosteliomycetes – microscopic relatives of Myxomycetes, Dictyosteliomycetes –soil inhabitants, Copromyxida – animal dung inhabitants, Acrasida – with individual independent cells that can act as one organism, Plasmodiophoromycota – cell parasitic species. All this groups have a plasmodial stage in their life cycle. Modern systems recognize only Dictyosteliomycetes, Protosteliomycetes and Myxomycetes. Copromyxida belong to the same phylogenic branch as Amoebozoa. No close relatives are known for Acrasida and Plasmodiophoromycota. The conservation strategy model begins with Myxomycetes, characterized by a remarkable transformation from an animal-like to a fungus-like form.
  • Документ
    Passportication for Myxomycetes Conservation
    (2014) Kryvomaz, Т.І.
    Observation of myxomycetes conservation activity was made. Propose the introduction of “Environmental safety passports of species” for improving of conservation policy. First steps for conservation of myxomycetes was the creation of a myxomycetes reserve by Bruce Ing in Wales near the town of Mold, in a small town park (UK). Martin Schnittler analised 413 myxomycetes species from Germany by special conservation categories. Yuri Novozhilov proposed to include 21 endangered species of myxomycetes in the Red Book of Nature of Leningradskaya oblast in Russia, then Alexander Lebedev recommended including in the Red Book of Tver’ oblast in Russia 10 species of rare myxomycetes. Preliminary analyses of threat were made by author for 278 myxomycetes species of Ukraine. Species considered as endangered included 12 myxomycetes species, with 22 mainly nivicolous species being assessed as vulnerable. Detail evaluations were made for the biggest genus of myxomycetes, Physarum. Irina Dudka is preparing a proposal for the next edition of Red Book of Ukraine where myxomycetes were included. The IUCN Specialist Group promoting Conservation of Myxomycetes is beginning to prepare a foundation on which future conservation policy for Myxomycetes can be developed. The first myxomycete Diacheopsis metallica was published in Red List Species on the Edge of Survival. Evaluation of conservation status for 10 species of nivicolous myxomycetes and 10 species of order Trichiales was made. The information base included specimens, databases, bibliographic sources and field observations. Using the program “Geocat” (geocat.kew.org) estimates were made of extent of occurrence and occupancy. For each species population trend and threats were analyzed, and evaluation using IUCN criteria took place. For improving of conservation policy the introduction of “Environmental safety passports of species” for species of myxomycetes has been proposed to make. This certificate include of dates about morphology, metabolism, life cycle, geographical distribution of species and influence of abiotic and biotic factors with estimation of risks. As result of this scientific document will be analysis of threats and conservation recommendation for myxomycetes.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete research in the XXI Century
    (2017) Rojas, Carlos; Kryvomaz, Tetyana
    Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography, and Ecology is a comprehensive overview of the body of accumulated knowledge that now exists on myxomycetes. Its broad scope takes an integrated approach to the knowledge of this organismal group, considering a number of important aspects of their genetics and molecular phylogeny. It also treats myxomycetes as a distinct group from fungi, and includes molecular information that discusses the systematics and evolutionary pathways of the group. Additionally, biomedical and engineering applicability is discussed, thus expanding the audience and use of the book in a multidisciplinary context. The book provides an authoritative resource for students, researchers and educators interested in the fields of protistology, microbial ecology, molecular microbiology, biogeography, mycology, biodiversity, and evolutionary biology, and will also interest the amateur naturalist and biologist.