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  • Документ
    Myxomycetes from a Conservation Perspective
    (2012) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Camino, Mayra; Minter, David
    Myxomycetes, also known as slime moulds, are poorly-known and mysterious but amazingly photogenic organisms. At first they were thought to be fungi, but now there is general agreement that their true position is among the protozoa. The traditional association with fungi remains, however: many of those who study them are mycologists, they are covered by the same nomenclatural code, and are listed in mycology's main reference work, the Dictionary of the Fungi (Kirk et al., 2008). As a result, they are also covered by our Society.
  • Документ
    Assessment of mangrove environmental safety by analyzes of metals transition
    (2016) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Andrusishina, Iryna
    The study of metals transition in mangrove biome by analyzes of element concentration in plant, myxomycetes and soil for preliminary assessment of environmental safety. Methodology. Samples of soil, leaves litter, steam of living palm and myxomycetes fruiting body from Seychelles mangrove biome on Praslin island were analyzed by method of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Results. The scheme of 11 elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Si, Zn) accumulation demonstrates that heavy metals concentration increases in the direction from substrates to myxomycetes, and it decline from the forest floor to the trees. The ability myxomycetes Hemitrichia serpula accumulate Ca (Km-s = 443,69) and Zn (247,41) from environment was discover; Ni (60), Mn (16,04) and Pb (11,94) also show high level elements concentration in compere with their content in soil. The research finds big transformation ratio soil elements to mobile forms of soil for Fe (253,81) and Cu (105,45). Originality. For the first time the elements concentration in plant, myxomycetes and soil in mangrove were analyzed from ecological safety point of view. Practical value. Myxomycetes have undiscovered potential for bioindications and bioremediation of heavy metal and environmental management. References 10, no tables, figures 5.
  • Документ
    First steps in myxomycete conservation activities
    (2014) Kryvomaz, Tetyana
    Slime moulds are eukaryotic, phagotrophic, fungus-like organisms, which living nearly in all terrestrial ecosystems. In previous systems slime molds include several groups: Myxomycetes -“true slime moulds”, Protosteliomycetes – microscopic relatives of Myxomycetes, Dictyosteliomycetes –soil inhabitants, Copromyxida – animal dung inhabitants, Acrasida – with individual independent cells that can act as one organism, Plasmodiophoromycota – cell parasitic species. All this groups have a plasmodial stage in their life cycle. Modern systems recognize only Dictyosteliomycetes, Protosteliomycetes and Myxomycetes. Copromyxida belong to the same phylogenic branch as Amoebozoa. No close relatives are known for Acrasida and Plasmodiophoromycota. The conservation strategy model begins with Myxomycetes, characterized by a remarkable transformation from an animal-like to a fungus-like form.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete research in the XXI Century
    (2017) Rojas, Carlos; Kryvomaz, Tetyana
    Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography, and Ecology is a comprehensive overview of the body of accumulated knowledge that now exists on myxomycetes. Its broad scope takes an integrated approach to the knowledge of this organismal group, considering a number of important aspects of their genetics and molecular phylogeny. It also treats myxomycetes as a distinct group from fungi, and includes molecular information that discusses the systematics and evolutionary pathways of the group. Additionally, biomedical and engineering applicability is discussed, thus expanding the audience and use of the book in a multidisciplinary context. The book provides an authoritative resource for students, researchers and educators interested in the fields of protistology, microbial ecology, molecular microbiology, biogeography, mycology, biodiversity, and evolutionary biology, and will also interest the amateur naturalist and biologist.
  • Документ
    First survey for myxomycetes on Mahe island in the Seychelles
    (2017) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Michaud, Alain; Stephenson, Steven L.
    The results of the first survey for myxomycetes on Mahé Island in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean are reported. Forty-seven species and infraspecific taxa were recorded. All of these are new for Mahé Island, 23 are reported for the first time from the Seychelles, four species (Diderma chondrioderma, Didymium dubium, Perichaena dictyonema and Physarum auriscalpium) and two infraspecific taxa (Fuligo septica var. candida and Physarum melleum f. luteum) are new records for islands in the Indian Ocean. Another species (Physarum sp.) is probably new to science but will require additional material before being formally described. Thirty-three taxa of myxomycetes were identified from field collections and 21 species were recovered from moist chambers cultures prepared with samples of the bark from living lianas. The survey was designed to assess the biodiversity and ecology of the assemblages of myxomycetes associated with three types of plant communities and several different types of substrates on the island. Most of the species recorded occurred on plant litter and on different the different types of substrates provided by coconut trees. A comparison of the myxomycetes assemblage of Mahé Island with the Aldabra Atoll, La Réunion Island and Madagascar show less than 50% similarity among these islands in terms of species diversity.
  • Документ
    Preliminary evalution of the possible impact of climate change on myxomycetes
    (2017) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Stephenson, Steven L.
    The myxomycetes (plasmodial slime molds or myxogastrids) are likely to be affected by climate change, since temperature and moisture are the main factors limiting their occurrence in nature. However, the resilience of myxomycetes to climate change is extremely difficult to determine due to their cryptic life history. It is possible that myxomycetes may represent one of the least affected groups of organisms, although all available evidence suggests that the anticipated changes in climate regimes are going to have a significant impact upon their distribution and ecology. This will be especially true for those species of myxomycetes restricted to particular types of microhabitats (e.g., alpine snowbanks) or which are confined to geographical areas that are limited in extent (e.g., small oceanic islands). The composition of assemblages of myxomycetes species associated with deserts, the polar regions and other ecosystems of the world also could be affected.