The eia gap analysis for the project of dredging works at the Southern Bug river
Radomska, Margarita M.
Ryabchevsky, Oleg V.
Vologzhanina, VeronikaV.
Kovalska, Viktoriia V.
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The transformation of the Southern Bug river ecosystem for the revival of navigation activity has been considered in the paper from the point of indirect impacts on the environment. The method of gap analysis widely used in various branches of science has been applied to determine the omitted issues of the dredging works at the river basin. The analysis has showed that despite a range of important benefits, including promotion of agricultural and constructional materials production development, reduction of on-land cargo traffic and growing incomes to the local budget, the implementation of the project will cause additional negative effects, not considered in the official process of environmental impacts assessment. The most important problems, requiring further attention and mitigation, are intensification of erosive processes, changes of air and water quality, transformation of river biocenosis and climate of the area, as well as management of extracted bottom sediments.
Ключові слова
biocenosis, environmental impacts assessment, gap analysis, dredging works, waste management, ecosystem transformation
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Бібліографічний опис
The eia gap analysis for the project of dredging works at the Southern Bug river / Margarita M. Radomska, Oleg V. Ryabchevsky, VeronikaV. Vologzhanina, Viktoriia V. Kovalska // Екологічна безпека та природокористування = Environmental safety and natural resources : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. інформ. простору ; гол. ред. : О. С. Волошкіна, О. М. Трофимчук – Київ : ІТГІП , 2018. – Вип. 3 (27). – С. 92 – 102. – Бібліогр. : 24 назви.