Intelligent information technologies implementation to the process of professional self-identification




Aznaurian, Iryna
Yeremenko, Bohdan
Riabchun, Yuliia
Ploskiy, Vitalii
Mezzane, Daoud
Kryvinska, Natalia

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CEUR Workshop Proceedings


The latest learning technologies implementation, based on new approaches to the presentation and acquisition of knowledge, requires appropriate modern methods of assessment. The search for perfect methods for assessing the abilities of entrants and students at the present stage of information technology development is extremely important, because the objectification of the assessment process, providing feedback, provides an opportunity to coordinate the development of personality. The main attention in this paper is directed on the decision of questions of professional orientation by means of testing which assumes performance of game tasks of a professional direction. The research presents a conceptual model of a specialized intelligent system, which is designed to support the decision of the applicant to choose a specialty of higher education institution of construction profile. The paper also shows fragments of the system with professional game tasks, which reflect the level of spatial imagination of the individual and the ability to perform functional duties in accordance with the personnel requirements of different professions of construction. The formation scheme of the recommendatory conclusion on results of performance of these tasks is offered the mechanism of fuzzy inference of the recommendatory conclusion is shown. Clear and fuzzy criteria are proposed that can be used to justify the recommendation conclusion. The possibility of using the fuzzy artificial neural network Takagi-Sugeno-Kang to setup the parameters of the model used to reflect certain professional abilities of the individual is shown.


Бібліографічний опис

Intelligent information technologies implementation to the process of professional self-identification / I. Aznaurian, B. Yeremenko, Y. Riabchun [аtk] // Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security : Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security with CEUR-WS. - Khmelnytskyi, 2021. - Vol. 2853. - P. 168 – 177. - Bibliogr. : 25 titl.