Morphogenesis and correction of planar rod constructions with a small amount of free nodes
Skochko, Volodymyr
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This publication is devoted to practical aspects of a new method of form correction of planar rod constructions. This method should be used after the initial shape of the frame construction is already defined. At the same time, suggested method makes it possible to determine the components of the stress-strain state of the construction and has the same mathematical foundation as a method of cutting out of nodes in theoretical mechanics. Also, the article demonstrates the principle of applying the method on the example of correction of form of elementary frame construction with hinge joint of rods. An example illustrates the advantages of this method over methods of numerical simulation, because it does not require changing of instrument base during the transition from automated shaping of construction to determination of efforts in its rods.
Бібліографічний опис
Skochko V. Morphogenesis and correction of planar rod constructions with a small amount of free nodes / V. Skochko // Motrol : Commision of motorization and energetics in agriculture: an intern. journal of operation of farm and agri-food industry machinery / Polish Acad. of sciences ; Univ. of eng. and econ. in Rzesżow; ed.-in-chief E. Krasowski. - Lublin ; Rzeszów, 2015. - Vol. 17. - № 8 - P. 35 - 43 - Bibliogr. : 13 titl.