Features of studying the efficiency of fire protection of a wooden wall with external exposure to the flame of combustible substances
Tsapko, Yu.
Bondarenko, O.
Pinchevska, О.
Buys’kykh, N.
Lakida, Yu.
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The article analyzes the physical ways to provide the necessary limit of fire
resistance of wooden structures, which have significant disadvantages, namely, leading to
significant material costs and increase the volume of structures. Modern methods of fire
protection of building structures are based on the use of blocking coatings, which are complex
systems of organic and inorganic components. Studies of the combustibility of wood have
shown that a raw specimen of timber construction is capable of engaging and spreading flames
on the surface. Instead, the structure treated with the organo-mineral protective coating did not
burn after combustion of the model hearth, respectively, and did not break down. The swelling
of the protective coating was recorded, and the temperature on the reverse floor was less than
140ºC. As a result, it was ascertained that the effectiveness of the shredded image of the tree’s
construction was 4.4 times higher for the protected organic and mineral coatings 3.3 times
higher - for the clear protection of non-organic ones. It’s necessary to assimilate a coke ball on
the surface of the construction, which will add to the temperature and the temperature glyphine,
with which the hour of reaching the boundary temperature will be improved.
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Бібліографічний опис
Features of studying the efficiency of fire protection of a wooden wall with external exposure to the flame of combustible substances / Yu. Tsapko, O. Bondarenko, О. Pinchevska [ atc ] // IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering. – TRANSBUD-2019. – Vol. 708. – P. 1 - 6. – Bibliogr. : 10 titl.