Optimization of the composition of hydrophobized cellular concrete according to its moisture-transporting and water-holding characteristics





Лаповська, С. Д.
Клапченко, В. І.
Краснянський, Г. Ю.
Гасан, Ю. Г.
Кузнецова, Ірина Олександрівна

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IOP Publishing


The article is devoted to the study of the possibility of obtaining information about frost resistance and strength of concrete based on the analysis of its moisture-transporting and equilibrium water-holding properties. The dependences of the moisture diffusion coefficient, equilibrium moisture content at various values of relative humidity and porosity of autoclaved cellular concrete specimens on the concentration of water-repellent additive were studied. A comparison of the results of these measurements with the data on frost resistance, got by the direct method according to the current standards, have been made. It is shown, that moisturetransporting and water-holding characteristics can be used to assign concrete compositions optimal in frost resistance and strength. The mechanisms of the influence of water repellent on the frost resistance at its various concentrations are considered. It has been established that the composition of cellular concrete containing 2% water-repellent additive is optimal.


Ключові слова

cellular concrete, water-holding characteristics, moisture-transporting characteristics

Кафедра авторів

кафедра фізики, кафедра будівельних матеріалів

Бібліографічний опис

Optimization of the composition of hydrophobized cellular concrete according to its moisture-transporting and water-holding characteristics / S. D. Lapovska, Y. I. Klapchenko, G. Iu. Krasnianskyi, Yu. G., Gasan, I. O. Kuznetsova // Innovative Technology in Architecture and Design : Materials Science and Engineering . - P. 1 - 8 . - Bibliogr. : 17 titl. doi: http://dx.doi.org\10.1088/1757-899X/907/1/012040





