Оrganizational support of state management of water resources according to the basin principle
Zhukova, О.
Berezniy, М
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Назва тому
Water resources are an integral part of nature management, which in terms of market relations is considered a
commodity. Uneven territorial distribution of water resources and significant anthropogenic pressure lead to acute water
shortages. At present, Ukraine's water management has a significant number of problems, including: deepening the trend
of irrational water use; unsatisfactory water quality in natural water bodies; significant increase in material damage
from the negative impact due to floods, flooding of groundwater, waterlogging, secondary salinization of land, water
erosion, reduced investment in water management. The realities of water use, especially in the field of water resources
management, have led to the need to improve existing scientific approaches that will allow more efficient allocation of
resources and will be based on the principles of sustainable development. For a long time there was a notion of unlimited
water resources and, accordingly, of free access to them. However, with the development of the country's productive
forces and especially water-intensive enterprises, pollution of water sources, disputes between water users over the use
of water resources, and, finally, water scarcity in some large river basins, society's costs of increasing water resources
and bringing them to quality standards have risen sharply. It has become clear that water is a limited and rather expensive
resource for society. The main essence, features and main advantages of the basin principle of water resources management
are considered in the work; the functions, types and features of the water resources management system based on the
basin principle were studied and researched, the structure was analyzed, the main problems of implementation were identified
and measures for the effective operation of the water resources management system were proposed. It is noted that the
development of the basin system of water resources management in Ukraine should be carried out with maximum use and
significant expansion of the functions provided by the water sector of the State Water Management. This approach makes it
possible to predict the consequences of human activities, for early prevention of environmental and man-made disasters.
The main essence, features and main advantages of the basin principle of water resources management
are considered in the work; the functions, types and features of the water resources management system based on the
basin principle were studied and researched, the structure was analyzed, the main problems of implementation were identified
and measures for the effective operation of the water resources management system were proposed. It is noted that the
development of the basin system of water resources management in Ukraine should be carried out with maximum use and
significant expansion of the functions provided by the water sector of the State Water Management. This approach makes it
possible to predict the consequences of human activities, for early prevention of environmental and man-made disasters.
Бібліографічний опис
Zhukova, О. Оrganizational support of state management of water resources according to the basin principle / O. Zhukova, M. Berezniy // Агросвіт : наук. журн. / Дніпр. держ. аграр.-екон. ун-т ; редкол. : Н. К. Василь'єва. - Київ : ДКС-центр, 2022. - № 5-6. - С. 33 - 38. - Бібліогр. : 8 назв.
DOI: 10.32702/2306-6792.2022.5—6.33