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  • Документ
    The prospects of green building developing in ukraine on example of Poland
    (КНУБА, 2020) Kryvomaz, T.; Chmielewska, J.; Kanashchuk, T.
    This study is an analysis of the data and trends observed in green construction in Ukraine and Poland. Ukraine started developing green building in 2011 and Poland begin in 2008, but despite on little chronologic distance, modern situation in construction industry of these countries has dramatic differences. For today Poland is the leader of Eastern Europe green building with 845 certified objects and four new projects on average are registering every week, while less than 10 certificated green buildings present in all Ukraine. BREEAM is the most popular green certification system in Europe and share 76.8% of total green building market in Poland, but also LEED takes significant shares in education and hotel business, all HQE projects relate to housing, and DGNB appear in logistic and retail. The most perspective sustainable tendency in Poland is increasing green building projects in educational, logistic and industrial sectors. It is could be good example for Ukraine, as well as growing green certification of industrial buildings and residential real estate. Evidence is growing that green buildings bring multiple benefits and driving economic growth around the world. For Ukraine the key factors are promote sustainability in major building companies, create a favorable investment climate, and enlist government support to developing green building.
  • Документ
    Development of Ukraine territory flooding processes; Its parameters and the influence on the environmental safety level
    (2014) Voloshkina, O.; Bereznitska, J.
    Shows the present state of development of flooding processes of Ukraine territory. Given filtration stages in the flooding the process of and methods of their calculation. The method of filtration resistance for calculating of the filtering in flooding process is analyzed. Shows the dependence between the development of flooding process and intensifying processes of landslides on Ukraine territory.
  • Документ
    The risk assessment of threats from biological objects in environmental safety
    (2014) Kryvomaz, T.; Voloshkina, O.
    Necessity to present results of scientific research in an accessible form for proper interpretation by public and environmental safety experts has been shown. Myxomycetes ecology and metabolism to verify their safety for human health has been evaluated as an example. Bayesian methods for probability analysis is proposed to be used for risk assessment. The "Environmental safety passports of species" are recommended for evaluation of impact of each species on the environment, humans and other living organisms.
  • Документ
    Environmental safety of a territory due to the dangerous processes of flooding
    (2017) Bereznitska, J.; Voloshkina, O.
    They determined the way the dangerous factors caused by the processes of flooding influence on environment and living conditions, they are the following: they estimated water resources quality, violation of water balance conditions on the flooded territories (the loss of drainage capacity of rivers and underground drainage formation), the process of activation of dangerous exogenous processes, they also theoretically grounded the necessity of correction of calculation method of filtration flow with the use of filtration resistance. On the basis of these researches they gave recommendations according the usage of widespread methods of filtration resistance for difficult geological conditions of water-bearing layer and stationary filtration flow near the facilities of engineering protection from flood. Mathematical model of forecasting of ground water level changes in aquifer with the level fluctuations in water receiver on conditions of three-ply water-bearing layer allows to make a reliable assessment and the forecast on flood level of a sloping hill which, in turn, allows to make promptly a managerial nature-green decision on provision of a territory with the necessary level of environmental safety. The method of estimation of individual risk on the built-over flooded territories by taking into account the slopping hills was improved.
  • Документ
    A study of air pollution with formaldehyde along the highways in Kyiv city
    (2018) Voloshkina, O.; Sipakov, R.; Zhukova, O.; Bereznitska, J.
    The problem of air pollution in the cities of Ukraine was described. The methodology of calculation of hydrocarbon emission on automobile overpasses and crossroads of Kyiv was suggested. By the number of bands, the number of cars was determined. The calculation has shown that at the same time near 300 cars can be on the overpass during peak hours. The average concentration of formaldehyde according to the calculations and observation data in 2016 was presented.
  • Документ
    Adaptation of IUCN Classification Schemes for Environmental safety passports of species
    (2016) Kryvomaz, Tetyana
    This study aimed to improve the ways of risk assessment for environmental safety. The implementation of “Environmental safety passports of species” is of practical importance for effective risk assessment of individual species impact to the environment, humans and other living organisms. The classification schemes of International Union for Conservation of Nature for evaluating habitats, threats & stresses, use and trade, livelihoods of species were analyzed and adapted to the requirements of environmental safety. Some sections such as general information about species, their distribution, ecological classification, metabolism features, risks evaluation and beneficial use were itemized to be included into the structure of ESPS.
  • Документ
    The assessment of heavy metal accumulation by myxomycetes
    (2015) Kryvomaz, T.
    The assessment of heavy metal accumulation by myxomycetes (slime moulds) has been made. The importance of these organisms for environmental safety monitoring was specified. Ecological and physiological mechanisms of ability of myxomycetes to concentrate metals and other elements from their substrates were analyzed. For five common myxomycetes species with relatively big fruiting body were compared chemical elements concentrations. Fuligo septica (L.) Wigg. was proposed as perspective ioindicator for the detection of Zn on the grounds of the ability to accumulate this metal and by reason of this species have widespread distribution in terrestrial ecosystems. Prospects of using slime molds as objects for bioremediation of contaminated soils were considered.
  • Документ
    Assessment of mangrove environmental safety by analyzes of metals transition
    (2016) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Andrusishina, Iryna
    The study of metals transition in mangrove biome by analyzes of element concentration in plant, myxomycetes and soil for preliminary assessment of environmental safety. Methodology. Samples of soil, leaves litter, steam of living palm and myxomycetes fruiting body from Seychelles mangrove biome on Praslin island were analyzed by method of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Results. The scheme of 11 elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Si, Zn) accumulation demonstrates that heavy metals concentration increases in the direction from substrates to myxomycetes, and it decline from the forest floor to the trees. The ability myxomycetes Hemitrichia serpula accumulate Ca (Km-s = 443,69) and Zn (247,41) from environment was discover; Ni (60), Mn (16,04) and Pb (11,94) also show high level elements concentration in compere with their content in soil. The research finds big transformation ratio soil elements to mobile forms of soil for Fe (253,81) and Cu (105,45). Originality. For the first time the elements concentration in plant, myxomycetes and soil in mangrove were analyzed from ecological safety point of view. Practical value. Myxomycetes have undiscovered potential for bioindications and bioremediation of heavy metal and environmental management. References 10, no tables, figures 5.
  • Документ
    Green building BREEAM in Ukraine
    (КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2019) Kryvomaz, Tetyana; Scudu, Irene; Leonard, David; Minter, David
    It is recognised that world construction is responsible for substantial amounts of harmful emissions, so the need to save energy and mitigate environmental problems fostered the concept of a green building. This is structures that are sited, designed, built, renovated and operated to energy efficient guidelines, and that they will have a positive environmental, economic and social impact over their life cycle. The study begins with a review of the main stages through which this technology developed in the Great Britain. Notable successes achieved through green building in the UK are then highlighted. There is excellent potential to implement Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) in Ukraine because, although the building sector is very active, the technology in current use is not up to international environmental standards. At the same time Ukraine is actively subscribing to international conventions which reduce environmental pollution, and seeks to improve national standards in accordance with international requirements. Examples of BREEAM certified green building are already present in Ukraine, and the general economic and political situation seems ready to welcome implementation of green building throughout the country.
  • Документ
    Экологическая составляющая КСО в строительной отрасли
    (2015) Кривомаз, Татьяна
    In the article analyzes the urgency of environmental component in the system of corporate social responsibility. The implementation to the CSR strategy of four „E” concept of has been proposed. Any innovative solution used in the activities of construction companies have to be environmentally friendly, economical, energy-efficient and ergonomic. Assess the damage of certain types of building materials using is recommended to make with the integral coefficient of pressure on the environment during production, construction, operation and utilization of construction materials.