
Постійний URI для цього зібранняhttps://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/1243


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  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum cremiluteum
    (CABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Similar in appearance to Physarum melleum (Berk. & Broome) Massee, but distinguished by its bright yellow sporothecae and capillitium lime nodes, and by stalk shape; P. melleum has orange-brown sporothecae, white or pale olive yellow nodes of capillitium and stalks which are usually more cylindrical.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum crateriforme
    (CABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Without typical sporangia present, certain identification to species level is impossible because other features, such as spore size and ornamentation, fall within the range of so many other species. The characteristic columella, however, and large capillitial nodes, dark stalk and pale spores help to distinguish this species.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum bogoriense
    (СABI, 2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Often associated with Physarum bivalve Pers., but distinguishable by the yellow or brown colour, the rounded plasmodiocarps on narrow bases, and dehiscence by triangular lobes instead of valves; spores are usually paler and smaller than those of P. bivalve; sporocarps of P. bivalve are strongly compressed laterally, and even when nearly terete are always much taller than wide. Differs from P. bitectum G. Lister which has white plasmodiocarps and clearly spinose spores 10–13 µm diam. Differs from P. aeneum (Lister) R.E. Fr. which has yellow or brown lime in the capillitium. In some collections, sporocarp shape and colour call to mind P. retisporum G.W. Martin, but that species can be distinguished by its reticulate spores.
  • Документ
    Myxomycetes (Physarum) Physarum auriscalpium
    (2017) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Physarum auriscalpium Cooke, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 11: 384 (1877). [IndexFungorum 434176; Physaraceae, Physarales] Physarum rubiginosum var. auriscalpium (Cooke) Sacc. & D. Sacc., in P.A. SACCARDO, Sylloge Fungorum 18: 210 (1906). [IndexFungorum 147709] Physarum limonium Nann.-Bremek., Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Series C, Biological and Medical Sciences 69(3): 357 (1966). [IndexFungorum 336968] Vernacular names. Dutch: oranjegeel kalkkopje. Diagnostic features. Most similar to Physarum oblatum T. Macbr., but differing in stalk lengths and in the size and shape of the sporangia.