
Постійний URI для цього зібранняhttps://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/1243


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  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Meriderma echinulatum
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Sporocarps sessile or sometimes short-stalked sporangia; peridium usually fragmented or entirely absent; capillitium with funnel-shaped ends (such funnels absent from Lamproderma), sometimes with small peridial fragments adhering to the funnels; spores en masse black, with irregular ornamentation of long spines.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Lycogala epidendrum
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Unmistakable and easily recognized in field to generic level with unaided eye; identification to species level less straightforward: aethalia conspicuous, like small puffballs, usually on dead wood or sawdust, sometimes forming large colonies, gregarious, up to 15 mm diam., pulvinate, wider than high, at first coral red, later brown; scales of cortex not grouped; spores at first pinkish grey en masse, rapidly becoming grey or beige.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Lamproderma ovoideoechinulatum
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Nivicolous; sporangia stalked, pear-shaped; peridium not mottled with brown spots; capillitium extending entire length of columella; spores dark brown, echinulate; similar to L. ovoideum Meyl., but spores are echinulate with long spines.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Lamproderma arcyrioides
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Sporocarps stalked, brightly coloured, iridescent, globose or subglobose sporangia; peridium not mottled with brown spots, but with needle-like crystals; capillitium turning white on periphery of net; spores warted, 9–13 µm diam., distinguish from similar L. sauteri Rostaf., which has larger spores (12–16 µm diam.), and from L. scintillans (Berk. & Brome) Morgan, which is smaller, grows on dead leaves, and has a longer stalk and capillitium colourless near the columella.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Fuligo septica
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Large conspicuous irregular yellow or white plasmodia and aethalia; spores <10 µm diam.; cortex rough, not persistent; Mucilago crustaea P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg., a common lookalike species found in similar habitats, is sometimes misidentified as F. septica, but its thickened cortex has crystalline, not granular, calcium carbonate.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Diderma niveum
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Sporangia pale and usually sessile, sometimes forming short plasmodiocarps; distinguished from other nivicolous Diderma species by the non-reticulate capillitium, the double-layered peridium with an inner layer powdered with lime, and spinulose spores.
  • Документ
    Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Diderma meyerae
    (CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.
    Diagnostic features. Sporangia pale and usually sessile; distinguished from other nivicolous Diderma species by the non-reticulate capillitium, the double-layered peridium with an iridescent inner layer, and warted spores.