
Постійний URI для цього зібранняhttps://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/1243


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  • Документ
    The risk assessment of threats from biological objects in environmental safety
    (2014) Kryvomaz, T.; Voloshkina, O.
    Necessity to present results of scientific research in an accessible form for proper interpretation by public and environmental safety experts has been shown. Myxomycetes ecology and metabolism to verify their safety for human health has been evaluated as an example. Bayesian methods for probability analysis is proposed to be used for risk assessment. The "Environmental safety passports of species" are recommended for evaluation of impact of each species on the environment, humans and other living organisms.
  • Документ
    The assessment of heavy metal accumulation by myxomycetes
    (2015) Kryvomaz, T.
    The assessment of heavy metal accumulation by myxomycetes (slime moulds) has been made. The importance of these organisms for environmental safety monitoring was specified. Ecological and physiological mechanisms of ability of myxomycetes to concentrate metals and other elements from their substrates were analyzed. For five common myxomycetes species with relatively big fruiting body were compared chemical elements concentrations. Fuligo septica (L.) Wigg. was proposed as perspective ioindicator for the detection of Zn on the grounds of the ability to accumulate this metal and by reason of this species have widespread distribution in terrestrial ecosystems. Prospects of using slime molds as objects for bioremediation of contaminated soils were considered.
  • Документ
    Myxomycètes nivicoles pyrénéens et végétation
    (2019) Dussaussoi, G.; Michaud, A.; Kryvomaz, T.
    Difficiles à observer, difficiles à photographier, et encore plus difficiles à identifier, les myxomycètes nivicoles sont un monde étrange et éphémère. Méconnus de la plupart des naturalistes, botanistes et mycologues, ils constituent un royaume oublié.