The role of establishments of nature protected fund in ecological-educational and recreational-touristic aspects of sustainable development of Zakarpattia region
Rybak, M. P.
Lukjanova, V. V.
Anpilova, Y. S.
Yonash, I. D.
Заголовок журналу
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Назва тому
The best practices of Ukrainian Nature Protected Fund establishments (on the example of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve) were studied in terms of ecological-educational and recreational-touristic activity development basing on sustainable development aspects. Here provided analysis of the reserve’s visiting dynamics and the possibility of cooperation between the objects of Nature Protected Fund and higher education establishments. The positive influence of protected areas on practical training of future bachelors of specialty 101 "Ecology" was demonstrated.
Ключові слова
environmental education for sustainable development, Nature Protected Fund, biosphere reserve, tourist and recreational potential, екологічна освіта для сталого розвитку, природно-заповідний фонд, біосферний заповідник, туристично-рекреаційний потенціал
Кафедра авторів
Бібліографічний опис
The role of establishments of nature protected fund in ecological-educational and recreational-touristic aspects of sustainable development of Zakarpattia region / M. P. Rybak, V. V. Lukjanova, Y. S. Anpilova, I. D. Yonash // Екологічна безпека та природокористування = Environmental safety and natural resources : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архітектури ; Ін-т телекомунікацій і глоб. інформ. простору ; гол. ред. ; О. С. Волошкіна, О. М. Трофимчук. – Київ : [б.в.] – 2018. – Вип. 4(28). – С. 39 - 46. – Бібліогр. : 9 назв.