Ukraine in the global economy





Fedorenko, V.
Gryshchenko, I.
Bondarenko, I,
Novikova, O.
Olshanska, A.
Vasilenko, L

Заголовок журналу

Журнал ISSN

Назва тому


DKS Tsentr


The monograph covers the theoretical foundations of the world economy development, international economic relations’ forms in the economic aspects of global problems. Special attention is paid to the role of international economic organizations in the multilateral economic community and the regulation of international economic relations. The problem of prospects for the development of globalization in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and its socio-economic consequences was investigated. The monograph is useful for enterprises and financial institutions, teachers, postgraduates, students, as well as for a wide range of readers who study the problems of globalization of the economy


Ключові слова

social development, displaced persons, socio-economic essence, global problems, Ukrainian economy development, ukraine’s integration,, world community, global competitiveness, cooperation, nternational financial institutions., world trade organization, implication, internally displaced persons, world practice, trends, prospects lobal processes development, кафедра охорони праці і навколишнього середовища

Бібліографічний опис

Ukraine in the global economy : monograph / V. Fedorenko, I. Gryshchenko, I. Bondarenko, O. Novikova [and others] ; edit. V. Fedorenko [and others] ; Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture ; School of economics of the member od National Academy of sciences of Ukraine V.G.Fedorenko. – Kyiv : DKS Tsentr, 2017. – 300 p.