Increase of fire resistance of coating wood with adding mineral fillers
Tsapko, Y.
Kyrycyok, V.
Tsapko, A.
Bondarenko, O.
Guzii, S.
Заголовок журналу
Журнал ISSN
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Назва тому
The article covers all the stages of the process of fire
protection: as the separation of gases, heat transfer, the swelling of the
coating, which is formed during by the action of fire. To determine the fire
protection efficiency in the coatings developed, studies have been carried
out on determining the combustibility of wood in terms of mass loss and
increase in the temperature of flue gases, and it has been established that
mass loss of coated wood does not exceed 3% and the temperature does
not exceed 160°C. The results of the determination of the protection
efficiency for the system have shown that under the influence of the hightemperature
flame of burning of the material and the loss of the mass of
the coating is reduced due to the formation of high-temperature
compounds, while the time to reach the limiting temperature increases.
Studies on determining the quality of fire protection wood treatment by
coating showed that the rate of cooking for a rough sample of wood was
more than 2 mm/min, for fire-proof samples - did not exceed 0.5 mm/min,
which makes it possible to conclude that it is advisable to use them.
Ключові слова
fire resistance, coating wood, organic-inorganic composition, reed, fire-protection
Кафедра авторів
кафедра будівельних матеріалів
Бібліографічний опис
Increase of fire resistance of coating wood with adding mineral fillers / Y. Tsapko, V. Kyrycyok, A. Tsapko [atc] // Transbud-2018 : MATEC Web of Conferences. . - VoI. 230 (2018), 02034 - P. 1- 6. - Bibliogr. : 11 titl.