Calculation of Air Exchange to Reduce CO2 by Periodic Ventilation of Cattle Buildings
Fediai, B. M.
Guzyk, D. V.
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Назва тому
The outdoor cattle keeping permits changing the air exchange intensity to prevent hazards during the day. It is important to organize such air exchange during the outdoor run which would provide the required air quality, including the CO2 concentration in the internal airspace by the moment of the cattle’s return to the stalls. The analytical solution of the problem of determining the changes in the average airspace CO2 concentration for a certain period of time at predetermined air exchange intensity is considered in the article.
Ключові слова
periodic ventilation, internal air, CO2 concentration, air exchange
Кафедра авторів
Бібліографічний опис
Fediai B. M. Calculation of Air Exchange to Reduce CO2 by Periodic Ventilation of Cattle Buildings / В. M. Fediai, D. V. Guzyk // Вентиляція, освітлення та теплогазопостачання : наук.-техн. зб. / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт.; відп. ред. Е. С. Малкін. – Київ : КНУБА, 2016. – Вип. 20. – С. 54 – 61. – Бібліогр. : 9 назв.