Integrated monitoring the technical condition of large-scale building structure
Gaidaychuk, Victor
Kotenko, Konstantin
Tkachenko, Ivan
Заголовок журналу
Журнал ISSN
Назва тому
The results of the equipping of the International exhibition center (IEC) building with comprehensive technical condition monitoring system are given. The characteristic features of the existing systems are formulated. The first three basic frequency magnitudes and the natural modes of vibrations corresponding to them are the most informative. The basic magnitudes of natural frequencies and the building vibration directions are determined by means of the calculation method using established adequate finite-element model and experimental verification. The directors of improvement suggested monitoring system were noted.
Бібліографічний опис
Gaidaychuk V. Integrated monitoring the technical condition of large-scale building structure / V. Gaidaychuk, K. Kotenko, I. Tkachenko // Підводні технології. Промислова та цивільна інженерія : міжнар. наук.-виробн. журнал / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. Михайло Сукач. – Київ : Ліра-К, - 2017. - №5. - С. 61-66. - Бібліогр. :21 назва.