An improved gradient-based method to solve parametric optimisation problems of the bar structures
Peleshko I. D.
Yurchenko V. V.
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Назва тому
The paper considers parametric optimisation problems for the bar structures formulated as nonlinear programming tasks. The method of the objective function gradient projection onto the active
constraints surface with simultaneous correction of the constraints violations has been used to solve
the parametric optimisation problem. Equivalent Householder transformations of the resolving
equations of the method have been proposed. They increase numerical efficiency of the algorithm
developed based on the method under consideration. Additionally, proposed improvement for the
gradient-based method also consists of equivalent Givens transformations of the resolving equations.
They ensure acceleration of the iterative searching process in the specified cases described by the
paper due to decreasing the amount of calculations. The comparison of the optimisation results of
truss structures presented by the paper confirms the validity of the optimum solutions obtained using
proposed improvement of the gradient-based method. The efficiency of the propoced improvement
of the gradient-based method has been also confirmed taking into account the number of iterations
and absolute value of the maximum violation in the constraints.
Ключові слова
parametric optimisation, non-linear programming task, gradient-based method, bar system, finite-element method, параметрична оптимізація, задача нелінійного програмування, градієнтний метод, стержнева система, метод скінчених елементів, стержневая конструкция, параметрическая оптимизация, нелинейное программирование, градиентный метод, метод конечных элементов
Бібліографічний опис
Peleshko I. D. An improved gradient-based method to solve parametric optimisation problems of the bar structures / I. D. Peleshko, V. V. Yurchenko // Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. П. П. Лізунов. - Київ : КНУБА, 2020. - Вип. 104. - С. 265 - 288. - Бібліогр. : 18 назв.