
Постійний URI для цього зібранняhttps://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/1446


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  • Документ
    Quasi-guided and photonic modes in 2D macroporous silicon structures with SiO2 nanocoatings.
    (Xiмiя, Фiзикa ma mexнoлoгiя noвepxнi., 2015) Sapelnikova, O.; Karachevtseva, L.; Lytvynenko, O.; Parshyn, K.; Wrang Bo
    We investigated the IR light absorption oscillations in 2D macroporous silicon structures with SiO2 nanocoatings 70-800 nm thick. The Wannier-Stark electro-optical effect due to the strong electric field on Si-SiO2 interface and an additional electric field of quasi-guided optical modes were analyzed. The photonic modes and band gaps were also considered as peculiarities in absorbance spectra of macroporous silicon structures with a thick SiO2 nanocoating.