Вплив стилю бароко на архітектуру дерев'яних храмів Погориння
Завада, Віктор Тимофійович
Zavada Viktor
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Назва тому
В статті розглядаються особливості становлення стилю бароко у
традиційному сакральному будівництві Погориння - одного з найдавніших за
походженням та найменш досліджених в цьому відношенні історичних регіонів
In the complex process of formation, flourishing and decline of various artistic
and stylistic trends in the centuries-old history of national architecture, a special place
belongs to the Baroque, which has left a noticeable mark in most historical regions of
Ukraine. Despite more than a century of research into this unique phenomenon, there
are still many gaps in the identification of its impact on the architecture of various
localities and historical types of buildings. These include, for example, the absence in
the literature of any mention of Pohorynya - a kind of historical area in northwestern
Ukraine, which was formed in the early Middle Ages on the basis of several separate
principalities along the ancient Pohoryn path. The significance of this unique union of
medieval city-states grows even more in view of the fact that in subsequent historical
periods it also played an important role in the trade, economic and cultural life of
94 Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування. Випуск 58. 2020
Ukraine and the surrounding areas of Belarus. Nevertheless, any purposeful studies of
the peculiar building culture of Pohorin and, in particular, the identification of its
inherent manifestations of the Baroque style are still missing. Based on this, as well
as the special role of traditional temple building in ensuring the historical integrity
and originality of national architecture, the study of this phenomenon should be
limited to a comparative analysis of wooden temples of the eighteenth century in the
region. The main difficulty of such research is the significant influence on the
formation of building art. The burning of artistic and stylistic ideas and compositional
techniques of the European Renaissance, which inevitably affected the architecture of
the most common in the traditional cult construction of this region Volyn type of
wooden temples. Nevertheless, it was in the architecture of these Renaissance
buildings that, according to their original artistic and stylistic features, the influence
of the Baroque style differed by perhaps the most consistent character and variety of
forms. Particularly significant in this regard was the gradual formation on the basis of
older temples with one centrally located top, much more complex in its compositional
and structural solution of three-story buildings of the Volyn type. No less important
in strengthening the Baroque features in the architecture of wooden temples
Pohorynya was also the arrangement of additional folds in the structure of their
chopped tops, which combined with increasing their height and increasing vertical
proportions gave these buildings inherent in this style harmony and plastic
expressiveness. And, finally, the last, perhaps the brightest, touch of the studied
artistic and stylistic tendencies in the development of the Pohorin school of domestic
temple building became characteristic of the monuments of the XVIII century
baroque orientation of all, without exception, elements of interior and exterior decor
from the complex shape and location of window openings to exquisite carved
iconostasis. Summarizing the observations presented in the article, it can be noted
that the appeal to the historical Pohorin in the context of studying the features of the
Baroque style in the architecture of different regions of Ukraine allows to obtain a
much broader and more holistic picture of the successive evolution of this
extraordinary phenomenon.
Ключові слова
стиль, бароко, традиційний, храм, архітектура, style, Baroque, traditional, temple, architecture
Кафедра авторів
кафедра дизайну архітектурного середовища
Бібліографічний опис
Завада В. Т. Вплив стилю бароко на архітектуру дерев'яних храмів Погориння / В. Т. Завада / Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування : наук.-техн. зб. // Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і арх-ри ; відп. ред. В. В. Товбич. - Київ : КНУБА, 2020. - Вип. 58. - С. 84 - 94. - Бібліогр. : 12 назв.
726.5 (477)