Thermoelasticity of elastomeric constructions with initial stresses
Bazhenov, V. A.
Kozub, Yu. G.
Solodei, I. I.
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The article presents an algorithm for solving linked problems of thermoelasticity of elastomeric
structural elements on the basis of a moment scheme of finite elements. To model the processes of
thermoelastic deformation of structures with initial stresses the incremental theory of a deformed solid
is used. At each step of deformation, the stiffness matrix is adjusted using an incremental geometric
stiffness matrix. The use of triple approximation of displacements, deformations and volume change
function allows to consider the weak compressibility of elastomers. The components of the stress tensor
are calculated according to the Duhamel-Neumann law. To solve the problem of thermal conductivity, a
thermal conductivity matrix considering the boundary conditions on the surface of a finite element is
constructed. A sequential approximation algorithm is used to solve the thermoelasticity problem. At
each stage of the solution, the characteristics of the thermal stress state are calculated. Based on the
obtained components of stress and strain tensors, the intensity of internal heat sources is calculated as
the dissipative energy averaged over the load cycle. To calculate the dissipative characteristics of the
viscoelastic elastomer the parameters of the Rabotnov’s relaxation nucleus are used. Solving the
problem of thermal conductivity considering the function of internal heat sources allows you to specify
the heating temperature of the body. At each cycle of the algorithm, the values of the physical and
mechanical characteristics of the thermosensitive material are refined. This approach to solving
thermoelastic problems is implemented in the computing complex "MIRELA+". Based on the
considered approach, the solutions of a number of problems are obtained. The results obtained
satisfactorily coincide with the solutions of other authors. Considering the effect of preload and the
dependence of physical and mechanical properties of the material on temperature leads to significant
adjustments to the calculated values.
Бібліографічний опис
Bazhenov V. A. Thermoelasticity of elastomeric constructions with initial stresses / V. A. Bazhenov, Yu. G. Kozub, I. I. Solodei // Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. П. П. Лізунов. - Київ : КНУБА, 2020. - Вип. 104. - С. 299 - 308. - Бібліогр. : 15 назв.