The parametric oscillations of rotating rods under action of the axial beat load
Nedin, V. O.
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The paper presents the results of investigation of the axial beat loads’ influence on the
transverse rotating rods’ oscillations and their stability. The perforator's long drills are considered as
objects of investigation.
The analysis of different author’s papers that are studded the dynamics of oscillations of shafts
and rotating rods is carried out. The relevance of the research topic is substantiated. The model of
the considered dynamic system is described and equations of oscillations in space are given.
The technique for investigation is presented. This technique is based on search for new bend
forms of rotating rod by solving the equations of oscillations with using the Hubbolt time integration
method and the polynomial functions (splines) that are described the current bend form. In it, the
spline functions are found by current bend form approximation where each of the found functions is
responsible to certain point of rod elastic line and describes the position of nearby points.
Described technique was realized in a computer program with graphic user interface that is
developed by author. Program allows to monitor for dynamics of the oscillatory motion of the
modeled system in real-time by calculating and drawing the current band forms of the rotating rod
during the oscillation.
Diagrams with regions of stable and instable motion of the rods, that were found by different
parameters and boundary conditions are shown. The analysis of the results is obtained and the
conclusion about possibility of operating the equipment in certain frequency ranges is done. The
space oscillating process of rotating rods is considered with account of the gyroscopic loads and
geometric nonlinearity.
Ключові слова
numerical differentiation, complex bend forms, spline, geometric nonlinearity, hammer drills, axial loads, чисельне диференціювання, складні форми вигину, сплайн, геометрична нелінійність, поздовжні навантаження, ударні навантаження, перфоратори, численное дифференцирование, сложные формы изгиба, продольные нагрузки, ударные нагрузки, перфораторы, геометрическая нелинейность
Бібліографічний опис
Nedin V. O. The parametric oscillations of rotating rods under action of the axial beat load / V. O. Nedin // Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. П. П. Лізунов. - Київ : КНУБА, 2020. - Вип. 104. - С. 309 - 320. - Бібліогр. : 14 назв.