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Документ French green building rating systems(ІТГІП, 2018) Kryvomaz, Тetyana I.; Michaud, Alain; Varavin, Dmytro V.; Perebynos, Alona R.Most of the Green Building Rating Systems have similarities in common more than differences. All of these systems are trying to integrate issues of environmental protection and health in the building. French Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) system identifies 14 environmental targets for building divided into four groups of objectives: site and construction, management, health, comfort. These targets have implications for all steps of the design process and production of the building and also taking into account the land, the landscape, the neighborhood and the transportation systems. The green building construction is a global issue that can find regional solutions. French system is suitable for Ukraine mentality, because for current situation we need new technologies and modern knowledge to developing green building sector. HQE has better innovative extension of the concept to the urban planning operations in compare with other world’s leading standards for Green Buildings assessment systems.