Solodey, I. I.Vabishchevych, М. О.2020-04-292020-04-292014Solodey I. I. The formulation of nonlinear deformation and fracture of heterogeneous 3d bodies subject to the emergence and spread of cracks under dynamic loading / I. I. Solodei, М. О. Vabishchevych // Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд : наук.- техн. зб. / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архітектури ; відп. ред. В. А. Баженов. – Київ, 2014. – Вип. 93. – С. 153-161. - Бібліогр. : 9 назв.0132-1471 the main output parameters of the problems of fracture mechanics and existing calculation methods for inhomogeneous spatial bodies with cracks in terms of nonlinear dynamic effects.enJ-integralspread of cracknonlinear deformationdynamiccontact stressesthe department building mechanicsThe formulation of nonlinear deformation and fracture of heterogeneous 3d bodies subject to the emergence and spread of cracks under dynamic loadingArticle539.3