Kyriienko, Petro G.Betin, Oleksandr V.Kuznetsova, Natalia V.2020-04-172020-04-172018Kyriienko Petro G. Small sewage wastewater treatment plants for domestic wastewater / Petro G. Kyriienko, Oleksandr V. Betin, Natalia V. Kuznetsova // Екологічна безпека та природокористування = Environmental safety and natural resources : зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. інформ. простору ; гол. ред. : О. С. Волошкіна, О. М. Трофимчук – Київ : ІТГІП , 2018. – Вип. 3 (27). – С. 59 – 67. – Бібліогр. : 3 назви.2411-4049 sewage wastewater treatment plants are used for treatment of domestic wastewater from individual residential houses, small schools, roadside cafes, restaurants, small railway stations, camping sites, etc., where there is no centralized sewage network. In cases when there is a limited space for the installation of small-scale treatment facilities, authors suggest using of septic tanks and drainage wells. Sewage effluents are collected with gravity force, without using electricity. Usage of proposed constructions does not cause pollution of soils and underground water horizons. Sanitary environment is stable and predictable.ensmall sewage wastewater treatment plantsseweragehousehold waste waterbiological treatment of sewage effluentscleaning technologyconstruction of treatment facilitiesseptic tankdrainage fieldfilter wellSmall sewage wastewater treatment plants for domestic wastewaterArticle628.56628.3