Khalilov A.2024-06-142024Khalilov A., Management of construction projects based on BIM technologies and application of artificial intelligence on the digital platform / A. Khalilov // Управління проектами у розвитку суспільства.Тема: «Управління проєктами післявоєнної розбудови України»: тези доповідей / відп. за вип. С.Д.Бушуєв. – Київ : КНУБА, 2024. – С. 13 - 19. management of construction projects based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies and the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on digital platforms represents a transformative approach to the construction industry. This integrated approach leverages advanced technologies to enhance project planning, execution, and management processes.enBIM technologiesconstruction projectsartificial intelligenceManagement of construction projects based on BIM technologies and application of artificial intelligence on the digital platformArticle