Lapovska, SvitlanaDemchenko, TetyanaDyuzhilova, Nataliya2020-09-152020-09-152020Lapovskaya S. Autoclaved aerated concrete in Ukraine / S. Lapovskaya, T. Demchenko, N. Dyuzhilova // Materialy budowlane. - Poland, 2020. - nr. 6(574) P. 2 - 3.0137-2971e-ISSN 2449-951X article provides an overview of Ukrainian enterprises that produce autoclaved aerated concrete. The range of products manufactured for the period 2016-2019 is considered. The performance of enterprises and systemic technical solutions for the installation of energy-efficient exterior walls from AEROС LLC are analyzed.enautoclaved aerated concretefrost resistancepanelsproductivitycompressive strengthaverage densitywall blocksкафедра будівельних матеріалівAutoclaved aerated concrete in UkraineArticle691.327:666.97.035.56