Zakharchenko, P. V.Gavrysh, О. M.Yudicheva, O. P.2020-11-182020-11-182018Zakharchenko P. V. Peculiarities of developing professional competencies of commodity trading experts in construction / P. V. Zakharchenko, О. M. Gavrysh, O. P. Yudicheva // Science and Education a New Dimension: Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2018, Dec. – VI (30). – Р. 65−68. - Bibliogr. : 10 titl.2308-19962308-5258 article considers modern approaches and possibilities of using a competency-based approach for training commodity specialists for construction area. A brief description of the pedagogical research in Ukraine which is devoted to the implementation of a competency-based approach during study has been given. The key professional competencies required for commodity trading experts in construction have been formulated and substantiated. The main directions for expanding and deepening of professional competencies of the commodity specialists who are trained by higher educational establishments of Ukraine have been outlined.enкафедра товарознавства та комерційної діяльності в будівництвіcompetencycompetency-based approachcommodity researchcommodity trading expertsconstructionкомпетентністькомпетентнісний підхідтоварознавствотоварознавці-комерсантибудівництвоPeculiarities of developing professional competencies of commodity trading experts in constructionОсобливості формування професійних компетентностей товарознавців-комерсантів у будівництвіArticle339