Lapan, I. A.2024-08-272021Lapan I. A. Factors that are taken into account when dividing land plots / I. A. Lapan // «Land & property development: innovations and transformations» : coll. of matls. International scientific and practical conference, 20 - 21 may 2021 yr. / Kyiv. natl. uni. of const. and ar. ; ed. : А. Lizunova ; М. Mykhalova. - Kyiv : KNUCA, 2021. - P. 53 – 54. – Bibliogr. : 7 titles. division of the land plot must be carried out in accordance with the current norms, standards and rules, first of all - the state building codes of Ukraine. There are cases of impossibility of dividing a land plot, such a process should not be interpreted as a restriction on the implementation of the right to private ownership of land, since this is consistent with the principle of rational use of land. There are factors that can make it impossible to divide a land plot: - insufficient size of the land plot; - lack of access to the land plot; - the impossibility of dividing a residential building located on the site.endividing land plotsFactors that are taken into account when dividing land plotsArticle528.4:332.13