Tsapko, Yu.Bondarenko, O.Tsapko, A.2020-10-072020-10-072019Tsapko, Yu. Establishment of heat-exchange process regularities at inflammation of reed samples / Yu. Tsapko, О. Bondarenko, A. Tsapko // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - Vol. 1. - №1/10 (97) 2019. - P. 36-42. – Bibliogr. : 16 titl. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.156644. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/viewFile/156644/1572091729-3774https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/5922At present, reed is growing in popularity as an environmentally safe roofing material. However, it is classified as a flammable material. To reduce this shortcoming, flame-retarding treatment is used, which makes this material resistant to inflammation.enвогнезахист очеретувогнезахиснi покриттятеплопровiднiстьоброблення поверхнiтеплофiзичнi властивостireedvohnezakhyst ocheretuflammable materialEstablishment of heat-exchange process regularities at inflammation of reed samplesArticle