Guzii, S. G.Krivenko, P. V.Petránek, V.Sotiriadis, K.Terenchuk, S. A.2020-02-252020-02-252014Thermal insulation materials for non-conventional energy / S. G. Guzii , P. V.Krivenko , V. Petránek В. [ etc. ] // Енергоефективність в будівництві та архітектурі = Energy-efficiency in civil engineering and architecture: наук.-техн. зб. / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; відп. ред. П. М. Куліков. – Київ : КНУБА, 2014. - Вип. 6. - С. 334 - 340. - Бібліогр. : 5 назв.2310-0516 geocement-based perlite thermal insulation material is considered the most suitable for use as insulation of alternative energy facilities for energy storage. The material is characterized by the following values: density 321 kg/m 3 , thermal conductivity, 0.0727 W/m K, the average coefficient of thermal resistance of 2.1 m 2 K/W, thermal cycles 145-148. This material ensures minimum heat loss in underground storage of energy when its thickness is 260 mm.enenergy storageperlite thermal insulation materialThermal insulation materials for non-conventional energyArticle