Karpenko, Valentina2020-11-112020-11-112015Karpenko V. The effects of mirror reflection from flat and curved translucent structures / V. Karpenko // Motrol : Commision of motorization and energetics in agriculture : an intern. journal of operation of farm and agri-food industry machinery / Polish Acad. of sciences, Univ. of eng. and econ. in Rzesżow ; ed.-in-chief E. Krasowski. - Lublin ; Rzeszów, 2015. - Vol. 17. - № 8 - P. 63 - 73 - Bibliogr. : 17 titl.1730-8658https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/6264The article gives examples of flat and curved translucent, mirror walling. There are presented variations of their formation by comparing with geometric transformations of form. Сombinatorial technique is applied.engeometric transformationmappingglassfacadetranslucent wallingmirror effectsзеркальные эффектыгеометрические преобразованиясопоставлениестеклофасадсветопрозрачные ограждающие конструкцииThe effects of mirror reflection from flat and curved translucent structuresЗеркальные эфекты светопрозрачных плоских и криволенейных ограждающих конструкцийArticle69.022/.025:691.6