Shkoda, VictorSyomchina, MariaShkoda, Andrei2019-09-032019-09-032017Shkoda V. Analysis of exploitation of residential five-storey buildings, erected on Zaporizhzhia's subsided grounds / V. Shkoda, M. Syomchina, A. Shkoda // Підводні технології. Промислова та цивільна інженерія : міжнар. наук.-виробн. журнал / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред. Михайло Сукач. - Київ,2017. - №6. - С. 82-88. - Бібліогр. : 23 назви. article gives an analysis of the housing stock Zaporizhzhia, shows the classification of residential buildings on the number of buildings storey and external walls material, considered types of deformations are given recommendations for improving the reliability of operation of five-storey residential buildings at their possible reconstruction. A significant part of Zaporizhzhia housing resources (about 25%) is made up of five-storey residential buildings, so-called "Khrushchovki", which were built according to standard design in the 50 − 60 years of the last century. The term of these buildings exploitation is coming to its critical deadline. The layout of such premises is morally obsolete and does not fit to live in. Besides, buildings of this class have sizeable physical wear be-cause of exploitation complexity on subsided soils. About fifth of old dwellings are deformed owing to subsidence of their foundations. The complex of protective measures, capable to provide required strength and operating buildings qualities in the cases of base soaking are absent.enFive-storey residential buildings,subsided grounds,camber,sag,rupture of walls,joints expansion closures,shear deformations.Analysis of exploitation of residential five-storey buildings, erected on Zaporizhzhia's subsided groundsArticle69.059.1:728.22