Tsapko, Yu.Zavialov, D.Bondarenko, O.Marchenco, N.Mazurchuk, S.Horbachova, O.2020-11-102020-11-102019Determination of thermal and physical characteristics of dead pine wood thermal insulation products / Yu. Tsapko, D. Zavialov, O. Bondarenko [ atc ] // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies / Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. - 2019. - Vol. 4. - 4/10 (100). – P. 37 - 43. - Bibliogr. : 17 titl. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.175346. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/175346/1769881729-3774https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/6234Over the last decade, shrinkage of coniferous stands has grown at a threatening scale across much of Europe. Today, scientists say climate change is the most likely cause of shrinkage, leading to the spread of ipid bark beetle that quickly affects entire areas of healthy, ripening or mature stands.enтеплоiзоляцiйнi матерiалидеревна шерстьтеплопровiднiстьтеплоємнiстьнеорганiчне i органо-мiнеральне в’яжучекафедра будівельних матеріалівthermal insulation materialsthermal conductivityкафедра будівельних матеріалівDetermination of thermal and physical characteristics of dead pine wood thermal insulation productsArticle699.86:676.032