Levchuk, KaterynaChyrkin, OleksiiBalaka, Maksym2024-05-132024-03Levchuk K. Polymer waste as an alternative fuel source / K. Levchuk, O. Chyrkin, M. Balaka // Енергетичні установки та альтернативні джерела енергії : збірник тез та доповідей міжнародної конференції, 11–12 березня 2024 року / Харків : ХНАДУ, 2024. - С. 337 - 338. - Бібліогр. : 4 назви.978-617-8238-51-3https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13143The problem of polymer waste processing has two aspects: environmental and energy. On the one hand, we improve the environment by destroying polymer waste. On the other hand, this waste is a hydrocarbon derivative and can be a raw material for obtaining alternative motor fuel that will be used in the fuel and energy state complex. The basis of the developed technology, like other similar ones, is low-temperature controlled pyrolysis of polymers without air access in the presence of catalysts. Synthetic liquid fuel can be separated to obtain gasoline, high-quality diesel fuel and heavy fuel oil during the completion of the technological unit with separation and rectification devices.enpolymer materialspolymer wastealternative fuel sourceenvironmentenergyalternative energy fuelpyrolysissynthetic fuelкафедра будівельних машинпаливоPolymer waste as an alternative fuel sourceArticleУДК 662.7