Trojanowicz, K.2020-03-272020-03-272015Trojanowicz K. The role of deammonification technology in the new concept of wastewater treatment / K. Trojanowicz // Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки: наук. – техн. зб. / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт. ; гол. ред . О.С. Волошкіна. – Київ : КНУБА, 2015. - Вип. 25. - С. 257 - 267. - Бібліогр. : 27 назв.2524-0021 the paper a short review of current trends in development of municipal sewage treatment systems are introduced. In that context a quickly-spreading, innovative technology of autotrophic deammonification is described. Current achievements of partial nitritation/ anammox process for reject water treatment as well as challenges and successes of its mainstream application are discussed as well. Layouts of probable sewage treatment systems of the future are presented.enpartial nitritationчасткова нітрифікація"nitritation / anammox process"anammoxsustainable sewage treatmentнадійне очищення стічних водThe role of deammonification technology in the new concept of wastewater treatmentArticle628.35