Sipakov, R.Trofimovich, V.Voloshkina, O.Bereznitska, J.2020-04-142020-04-142018Assessment and forecast for the creation of photo-chemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv / R. Sipakov, V. Trofimovich, О. Voloshkina, Y. Bereznitskaya // Екологічна безпека та природокористування: зб. наук. праць / Київ. нац. ун-т буд-ва і архіт., Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. Інформ. простору ; відп. ред. Є. С. Малкін. – Київ, 2018. – Вип. 25. – С. 44 - 51. - Бібліогр. : 23 назви.2409-2606 article deals with the analysis of existing of smog situation formation over automobile overpasses and in places of substantial congestion of transport in large cities, for example, in Kyiv. A mathematical model consisting of two blocks – dynamic and kinetic, which allows determining the formation of the thermal dome of pollution and the concentration of hydrocarbon emissions in the air, depending on the number of working engines, is proposed. The kinetic block of the model allows determining the level of formaldehyde, as an indicator of the appearance of photochemical smog in conditions of atmospheric constancy. The concentration of emissions from motor vehicles in the air is calculated over the main transport overpasses of the city of Kyiv at their full load (peak hours).enкафедра охорони праці та навколишнього середовищаbridgesmogformaldehydeindicator of pollutionformation of a dome of pollutionconcentration of pollutionhydrocarbonsrate of conversionmathematical model of atmospheric pollutionAssessment and forecast for the creation of photo-chemical smog over transport overpasses in KyivArticle504.056:656.13(477.411)