Petrakovska, OlgaMykhalova, Mariia2020-11-042020-11-042015Petrakovska О. The role of land compulsory purchase in engineering and transport infrastructure development / O. Petrakovska, M. Mykhalova // Motrol : Commision of motorization and energetics in agriculture: an intern. Journal of operation of farm and agri-food industry machinery / Polish Acad. of sciences, Univ. of eng. and econ. in Rzesżow; ed.-in-chief E. Krasowski. - Lublin ; Rzeszów, 2015. - Vol. 17. - № 8. - P. 103 - 109 - Bibliogr. : 20 titl.1730-8658 paper deals the consideration of the consequences of unjustified decision making on the land development with the application of land compulsory purchase for the engineering and transport infrastructure construction. In the article are considered the approaches to determine the efficiency of land development from the standpoint of needs of population life support and industry complex as well as investment interests.ensocial efficiencyeconomic efficiencytransport and engineering infrastructureland developmentland compulsory purchaseсоциальная эффективностьэкономическая эффективностьобъекты инженерно-транспортной инфраструктурыразвитие территорийпринудительное изъятиеThe role of land compulsory purchase in engineering and transport infrastructure developmentРОЛЬ ПРИНУДИТЕЛЬНОГО ИЗЪЯТИЯ ЗЕМЕЛЬ ПРИ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ ОБЪЕКТОВ ИНЖЕНЕРНОЙ И ТРАНСПОРТНОЙ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫArticle