Voloshkina, O.Bereznitska, J.2020-12-232020-12-232014Voloshkina O. Development of Ukraine territory flooding processes; Its parameters and the influence on the environmental safety level / O. Voloshkina, J. Bereznitska // Motrol : Commision of motorization and energetics in agriculture : an intern. journal of operation of farm and agri-food industry machinery / Polish Acad. of sciences, Univ. of eng. and econ. in Rzesżow ; ed.-in-chief E. Krasowski. – Lublin ; Rzeszów, 2014. - Vol. 16. - № 8. - P. 127 – 135. - Bibliogr. : 11 titl.1730-8658https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/6835Shows the present state of development of flooding processes of Ukraine territory. Given filtration stages in the flooding the process of and methods of their calculation. The method of filtration resistance for calculating of the filtering in flooding process is analyzed. Shows the dependence between the development of flooding process and intensifying processes of landslides on Ukraine territory.enenvironmental safetyflooding processgroundwater levelmethod of filtration resistanceprocess of landslideэкологическая безопасностьпроцесс подтопленияуровень грунтовых водметод фильтрационных сопротивленийоползневые процессыDevelopment of Ukraine territory flooding processes; Its parameters and the influence on the environmental safety levelРазвитие процессов подтопления на территории Украины; Оценка его параметров и влияния на уровень экологической безопасностиArticle