Sapelnikova, O.Karachevtseva, L.Lytvynenko, O.Parshyn, K.Wrang Bo2020-04-072020-04-072015Quasi-guided and photonic modes in 2D macroporous silicon structures with SiO2 nanocoatings / L. Karachevtseva, O. Lytvynenko, K. Parshyn, O. Sapelnikova, Wrang Bo // Xiмiя, фiзикa ma mexнoлoгiя noвepxнi : наук. журнал / Ін-т хімії поверхні ім. О. О. Чуйка. - Т.6, №4. - Київ, 2015 - С.466 - 473. Бібліогр. : 18 назв.2079-1704 investigated the IR light absorption oscillations in 2D macroporous silicon structures with SiO2 nanocoatings 70-800 nm thick. The Wannier-Stark electro-optical effect due to the strong electric field on Si-SiO2 interface and an additional electric field of quasi-guided optical modes were analyzed. The photonic modes and band gaps were also considered as peculiarities in absorbance spectra of macroporous silicon structures with a thick SiO2 nanocoating.enmacroporous siliconSiO2 nanocoatingsquasi-guided and photonic modesdepartment of physicsQuasi-guided and photonic modes in 2D macroporous silicon structures with SiO2 nanocoatings.Article