Yudicheva, O.Kalashnyk, O.Moroz, S.Kalian, O.2020-11-182020-11-182019Quality and safety of food as a component / O. Yudicheva, O. Kalashnyk, S. Moroz, O. Kalian // Security of the XXI century: national and geopolitical aspects: [collective monograph] ; in edition I. Markina.– Prague. – Nemoros s.r.o. – 2019. – Czech Republic. – P. 319-325. - Bibliogr. : 16 titl.978-617-673-845-9https://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/handle/987654321/6453Extra oat flakes, «Hercules Power» produced by Ltd. «Hercules and K», according to organoleptic parameters, correspond to the requirements of GOST 21149. Consequently, the analysis of the results of the research of the content of toxic elements in the oat flakes of extra production by Ltd. «Hercules and K» showed that this food product meets the requirements of GOST 21149-93 and SanPiN according to measured safety parametersenorganoleptic methodoat flakestoxic elementsqualitysafety of foodвівсяні пластівціорганолептичний методтоксичні елементиякістьбезпечність продуктів харчуванняQuality and safety of food as a componentBook