Екологічна безпека та природокористування
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Документ 3D моделювання Дністровського протипаводкового полігону(ІТГІП, 2016) Зорін, Д. О.Природними чинниками паводків є глобальне потепління, випадання великої кількості опадів за невеликі проміжки часу, що в 2–2,5 рази перевищує місячну норму, перенасиченість ґрунтів вологою (70–80%), складні рельєфні умови місцевості тощо. Антропогенні фактори також підвищують ризик розвитку катастрофічних наслідків паводків, це, зокрема, несанкціоновані розробки піщано-гравійної суміші, зменшення лісистості і розорювання схилів, внаслідок чого виникають або підсилюються ерозійні процеси, будівництво доріг, гідротехнічних споруд, поселенське й промислове будівництво, меліорація, розвиток туризму. Техногенне забруднення поверхневих вод шкідливими речовинами від потужних промислових підприємств також може виступати причиною розвитку паводків. Запропоновано 3D моделі розвитку паводків на Дністровському протипаводковому полігоні.Документ A new method of control of coherent structures in vortex apparatuses(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2018) Turick, Vladimir; Kochin, Viktor; Kochina, MariiaA new method for direct control of energy-intensive coherent vortex structures (ECVS) in a vortex chamber is provided with stable vortex wires, which are descended from the lateral edges of a small elongated wing which is mounted in the inlet nozzle of the chamber. The main task is to determine the reaction of the ECVS in the dead-end ("passive") and the flow ("active") parts of the chamber to the control actions of the nozzle exciter is solved. The efficiency of the principle of mutual susceptibility of vortex structures on the processes of controlling coherent structures for bounded flows in the fields of centrifugal forces is experimentally proved. The observed phenomenon of "pumping" energy of pulsations from small vortices to larger ones allows it to be used to control aerodynamic and hydrodynamic processes of mixing and thermal processes in vortex process and energy devices.Документ Analysis of the impact of solar activity on indicators of climate change on areas within the Dniester river basin(ІТІГІП, 2016) Ismailova, O.; Voloshkina, O.Interstigated the change of climate in the Carpatian region. The authors evaluted the impact of solar activity on indikators of climate change. Analysis based on data that were obtained from meteorogical stations located within the Dnister river basin. Reserch period is 65 years. The authoe based on statistics made mathematical analysis of the impact of solar activity on the change of air temperature and amount of precipitation in the region. Mathematocal dependence of there qantities, which allows makong predictions of future changes in amount of precipitation, depending on the future activity of the sun.Документ Analysis of the stability of water bodies to the action of destabilizing factors(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2018) Azarov, Sergii I.; Zadunaj, Oleksii S.Methodical approaches to the assessment of ecological safety of ecosystems based on the establishment of a comprehensive indicator of the degradation of environmental components have been developed, which will allow us to assess non-additive properties of different-scale aquatic ecosystems. The analysis of methods for assessing the stability of water bodies to change the parameters of natural and anthropogenic regimes is carried out. Investigation of the nature of resistance of water bodies has revealed not only their desire for balance, but also a complex fight against regular and irregular (fluctuations) forces.Документ Approaches to building integrated system of municipal solid waste management: classification of packaging waste(2018) Koval, I. I.; Pohrebennyk, V. D.In the article the problem concerning packaging waste management was treated, examples of enhanced practice achievement worldwide as to its handling were presented. Key peculiarities of packaging wastes were studied and their classification was developed. Several options for substitute of packaging for particular kinds of goods were suggested.Документ Assessment and forecast for the creation of photochemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv(ІТГІП, 2018) Sipakov, Rostislav; Trofimovich, Volodimir; Voloshkina, Olena; Bereznitska, JuliaThis article deals with the analysis of existing models of smog situation formation over automobile overpasses and in places of substantial congestion of transport in large cities, for example, in Kyiv. A mathematical model consisting of two blocks – dynamic and kinetic, which allows determining the formation of the thermal dome of pollution and the concentration of hydrocarbon emissions in the air, depending on the number of working engines, is proposed. The kinetic block of the model allows determining the level of formaldehyde, as an indicator of the appearance of photochemical smog in conditions of atmospheric constancy. The concentration of emissions from motor vehicles in the air is calculated over the main transport overpasses of the city of Kyiv at their full load (peak hours).Документ Assessment of spent batteries streams in Ukraine(КНУБА, 2021) Ishchenko VitaliiThe goal of this study is the analysis of quantitative parameters and dynamics of spent batteries generation in Ukraine and mass balance assessment of their streams. The assessment used statistical data from international trade organizations and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on the number of produced, imported, exported batteries, and spent batteries generated. Analysis of statistics on spent batteries generation in the world shows a significant difference in quantity, which is due to different ways of spent batteries management and approaches to counting. The estimated mass of batteries sold in Ukraine is about 20 thousand tons per year. The weight of household batteries (excluding car batteries) is estimated as 4.5-7 thousand tons per year (110-170 grams per year per person) and corresponds to the data of some EU countries. Among household batteries, alkaline and lithiumion batteries are the most common. Study of batteries quantity in the waste has shown a significant data divergence between the expected mass of batteries in the waste and official statistics. This is probably due to the low efficiency of the waste accounting system. In recent years, there is a trend of reducing the mass of batteries placed on the market and reducing their share in the waste (but such trends are not a case for household batteries). According to unofficial data, the weight of the collected spent household batteries is 2-3 tons per year or 0,05-0,08 grams per year per 1 person. The level of spent batteries collection (including car batteries) is estimated at 19%, and household batteries – only 0.1% that is much lower than in the EU countries. About 75–80% of spent batteries (99% of spent household batteries) are not accounted in waste streams. Besides, batteries in the waste of electrical and electronic equipment remain unaccounted. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of mass balance of spent batteries in Ukraine, which will ensure more efficient management of their flows. The practical value of the paper includes assessment of spent batteries volume in Ukraine for further analysis of the possibilities of their recycling.Документ Biospheric processes forecasting by the means of synergetics(КНУБА, 2018) Azarov, S. I.; Zadunaj, O. SAmong the most pressing problems of modernity stands out the problem of determining the causes and limits of sustainability of complex ecosystems, consisting of a huge number of components. Such systems include organisms and the biosphere with its ecosystems. Under the conditions of a global ecological crisis, the survival of humanity depends on our ability to understand and predict the behavior of ecosystems and the biosphere itself. Such forecast is a specific kind of perception, which, first, studies not what is happening, but what will be happening. The main purpose of the forecast is assessment of predicted environmental reaction to the direct or indirect human influence, as well as addressing the challenges of the future sustainable use of natural resources. We have developed methodical approaches to the biospheric processes evaluation with the help of synergestic approach are developed.Документ Calculation of the systematic vertical drainage under protection of the irrigated lands and built-up territories from the ground waters submergence(ІТГІП, 2018) Telyma, Sergii V.The methodic of the solution of the problem of the transient flow in multilayer heterogeneous in cross section aquifer at modeling of the vertical drainage work with different boundary conditions on the contour of the drainage well is proposed. The numerical aspects of the solution of the given problem and the example of solution the methodic task for scheme of the three-layer aquifer at the constant drawdown of the ground and underground waters on the well contour are considered.Документ Calculations and prognosis of the influence of the exploitation of the "Hotyslavske" quarry on the hydrodinamics of the ground and underground waters of the Western Polissya(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2018) Diatel, Olexandr O.The problems of the influence of the exploitation of the deposit of the sand and chalk "Khotislavske" on the hydrodynamics of ground and underground waters of Western Polissya are considered. At this the analytical methods of calculation of geophiltration processes and methods of mathematical modeling were used. The analysis of the validity of forecast calculations and modeling of the influence of a quarry on the territory of Ukraine carried out by the Belarusian side and the comparison of data are carried out.Документ CFD моделювання поширення забруднюючих речовин атмосферного повітря в середовищі міської забудови(Юстон, 2016) Яремич, А. В.; Ісаєв, С. Д.Використовуючи методи CFD моделювання, польових досліджень та ГІС-аналізу, досліджені та верифіковані шляхи поширення ЗР в умовах міської забудови для 8 основних напрямків поширення повітряних мас на основі побудованої тривимірної моделі об'єкта дослідження, а також детерміновані основні особливості архітектурних форм та міського планування, які сприяють поширенню забруднюючих речовин атмосферного повітря в середовищі міської забудовиДокумент Computational dynamics of municipal wastes generation in Zhytomyr city(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2018) Kotsіuba, Iryna; Lyko, Sergii; Lukianova, Vitalina; Anpilova, YevheniiaThe paper analyzed the practical experience of management of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Ukraine and developed countries of the world is studied. The theoretical volume of solid waste accumulation taking into account statistical factors was analyzed. The proposed method of accumulation of MSW allows predicting its formation from factors and evaluated the morphological composition of MSW. The dependence of the accumulation of solid household wastes on the influence of the main social, environmental and economic factors, which would provide an opportunity to predict their dynamics as the basis of effective management decisions in the field of regional ecological security, has revealed. Provision was made to forecast the volumes of MSW formation in the city.Документ Creation of energy efficient «green structures» in conditions of moderate continental climate(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2018) Tkachenko, Tetyana M.The main aspects of creation of energy-efficient «green structures» in urbocenoses of moderate-continental climate are considered. It was established that problems of exploitation of "green roofs" arise in case of violation of the technology of laying roofing layers and in case of incorrect selection of plant assortment. Technical problems in creating "green roofs" arise when the wrong choice of waterproofing. There should also be a single drainage system, which accommodates all other elements. Failure to observe these conditions may lead to rooting and the development of microorganisms. The assortment of plants on an intensive roof is usually limited to low-growing plants: herbs, shrubs and shrubs. Phenological observations carried out on the intensive roof of the Royal Tower residential complex in Kyiv have shown that with the correct selection of plant assortments and their cultivation technology, plant height can be considerably larger: from 4 to 6 m, which significantly expands the ecological and biological capabilities of intensive green roofs moderately-continental climate. The assortment of species of plants with high adaptive potential of various life forms with a wide variation of height is proposed: from low-growing herbs to trees of 6 m in height: Quercus paludosus multicaulus, Quercus rubra multicaulus, Pinus sylvestris, Acer rubrum, Acer rubrum 'Scanlon', Chenomeles Maulei, Arónia melanocárpa, Berberis thunbergii, Betula pumila, Crataegus laevigata, Vitis amurensis, Parthenocíssus tricuspidáta, Cornus alba, Picea abies, Picea сanadensis, Picea pungens, Lonicera alpigena, Lonicera caerulea, Salix caprea, Viburnum opulus, Cotoneaster lucidus, Acer tataricum, Acer ginnala, Elaeagnus argentea, Juniperus horizontalis, Juniperus sabina, Sorbus aucuparia, Ribes aureum, Symphoricarpos albus, Pinus mugo, Spiraea arguta, Spiraea japonica, Thuja occidentalis, Philadelphus coronaries, Mālus sibirica, Malus niedzwetzkyana.Документ Cистема екологічного моніторингу забрудненння педосфери нафтопродуктами(КНУБА : ІТГІП, 2020) Триснюк, В. М.; Охарєв, В. О.; Триснюк, Т. В.; Голован Ю. М.У статті запропоновано актуальне науково-прикладне завдання підвищення рівня екологічної безпеки ґрунтового покриву, забрудненого нафтопродуктами. Основні шляхи його розв’язання полягають у розробленні нових методів екологічного моніторингу ґрунтового покриву; дослідженні процесів міграції нафтопродуктів у ґрунтовому покриві з метою підвищення якості рекультивації деградованих територій та розробленні прогнозних моделей для своєчасного виявлення територій, які перебувають у зоні ризику забруднення; встановленні залежностей між станом забруднення ґрунтів нафтопродуктами та їх генезисом і виявленні закономірностей поширенняполютанта у досліджуваному середовищі. В процесі досліджень вдосконалено систему екологічного моніторингу ґрунтового покриву з застосуванням методу інфрачервоної спектрофотометрії. Обґрунтовано метод фізико-хімічного аналізу проб ґрунтів та встановлено залежності між станом забруднення ґрунтів нафтопродуктами та їх генезисом.Документ Ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes(ІТГІП, 2018) Trysnyuk, Vasil M.Work is devoted to the decision of research and practice task from the ground of changes of the state of ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes. The worked out practical recommendations are in relation to reduction of negative influence on the environment of vegetable wastes that is passed for introduction in further activity in relation to providing of ecological safety of territories.Документ Ecologically clean evaporation-condensation method application for obtaining of electrical contacts based on copper composite materials(ІТГІП, 2018) Grechanuyk, Vira G.; Matsenko, Olexandra V.In this paper is considered the electron-beam technology on new materials creation, including copper and its alloys, as one of the most promising directions of modern electrometallurgy. The formation process of condensed composite materials (CCM) using this technology is absolutely environmentally clean, because it occurs in a vacuum, in addition, similar materials are obtained in a single technological cycle, what is economically profitable. It is shown that this method was used for the first time to obtain structural composite materials Cu-Mo, Cu-W, Cu-Cr (massive sheet condensates weighting up to 30 kg separated from the substrate), which were used for electrical contacts and electrodes. The most industrial applications found the condensed from the vapor phase CM of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo and Cu-Cr-Zr-Y-Mo systems for discontinuous electrical contacts. The mechanical properties of materials of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo system have been studied and it is shown that these materials are characterized by a sufficiently high electrical conductivity, hardness, strength and satisfactory plasticity, and mostly allows to refuse from silver-containing contacts, since they are not inferior, and in some cases exceed them for their operational reliability.Документ Ecologo end energy-saving technologies with the use of water treat in the magnetic fields(Юстон, 2017) Malkin, E. S.; Zhuravskaya, N. E.The current hypotheses of water structure and influence of the magnetic field on the change in its structure have been analyzed. The hypotheses of the feasibility of using high-frequency electromagnetic fields to enhance their impact on the water structure and the stability of this process have been formulated. Experimental studies using water treated in the high-frequency electromagnetic fields for the ecoconcrete production have been carried out.Документ Ecologycal evaluation of the man-caused impact on the headwater aquatic ecosystems of zhytomyr region (Case study the Gnylopiat River)(2018) Vasilenko, L. O.; Zhukova, O. G.; Honcharenko, A. V.The modern ecological state of aquatic ecosystems of headwaters of Zhytomyr region was researched and characterized for a long, chronological dynamics of water pollution was analyzed, and the main substance-pollutants have been identified. The given results indicate that the main volumes of substancepollutants come into small aquatic ecosystems with insufficiently treated and untreated sewage.Документ Ensuring the conditions of ecological safety of the surface water of Ukraine by calculating the values of their assimilative capacity(КНУБА, 2019) Kulikova, Daria V.; Yurchenko, Anneta A.The values of discharge of circulating (waste) waters of different quality categories in surface water objects by regions of Ukraine are analyzed. For maintaining the natural equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems the indicators of actual and limit necessary of the multiplicity of dilution of circulating (waste) waters of different quality categories by local river runoff are calculated and analyzed. The values of the limit assimilative capacity of surface water objects, which can accept a certain amount of circulating (waste) waters without violating their ecological stability, is determined. The characteristics of the level of assimilative capacity utilization of local river runoff resources of different degrees of water availability are calculated and given. It has been established that in the years with average water availability the level of use of the assimilative capacity of local river runoff resources of the Nikolaev, Kharkiv and Kherson regions is characterized as “moderate”, and Odessa – as “high”. In the years with a very low river water content, the level of use of the assimilative capacity of surface water bodies in Kiev, Kirovograd, Luhansk, Lviv, Sumy and Cherkasy regions is rated as “moderate”, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv – as “high”, Kherson and Odessa – as “very high”. Regardless of the level of provision with local river runoff, the index of the use of the assimilative capacity of water resources in Zaporizhia, Donetsk, and Dnipropetrovsk regions exceeds the threshold value (IAC = 1) by 10.35–99 times.Документ Estimation and forecast of changes in the hydrochemical status of the Tisza river(ІТГІП, 2018) Vasilenko, Lesya O.; Zhukova, Olena G.; Kokitko, Angelina A.The engineer-ecological indexes and their parameters are used at the ecological estimation of the status of hydroecosystems (HE) of the Tisza water basin. The system-basin approach of research of the water basin bazed on the systematization and processing of environmental monitoring data for the long-term period was used. Such period allowed to set scientific conformities of the development of naturally-anthropogenic hydroecosystems in the conditions of constant technogenic load on them.